Plastic Daemon Primarch Magnus Revealed at 40k Open

By Rob Baer | January 8th, 2020 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, GW Open Day, Warhammer 40k News

daemon primarch magnus plastic

Checkout the big baddie himself, the Daemon Primarch Magnus in plastic, with a few “little” surprises too.

30k guru Garro is on the floor at the Warhammer 40k open day, sharing the event with everyone:


All as planned! Get a look at these close-ups of the Daemon Primarch Magnus, and his little doppelganger:


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Who’s a big boi? Smaller prototype version, or something else…?

The new model is checking in with an impressive wingspan for sure, and styling that has really never been seen before on this scale.

And of course GW’s big reveal confirms the model on the right IS the plastic Magnus that will be releasing… soon?

Daemon Magnus Primarch Model the red plastic leak pictures

By the looks of THIS progression does this mean that in another 25 years we will all be playing 40k standing on hoverboards and using holograms?


Don’t miss one second of this weekend’s 40k Open coverage below:


Warhammer 40k Open