Thousand Sons Pricing Spotted in DEC White Dwarf

By Rob Baer | November 21st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


If you’re dying for the new Chaos releases this Black Friday, come see the prices that were just spotted in the new White Dwarf!

CSI Robbie B was on the case today with my ideas about what the pricing may end op being based of the current product mix from Games Workshop.

However it looks like the internet beat us to the truth merely an hour later!

Pictures From Brent Tucker (Facebook)

15073389_10207230557394512_74267918889311944_n 15085542_10207230648876799_1319550018658123910_n 15135773_10207230647996777_8627820860315685889_n 15171237_10207230558314535_9189881745881254462_n 15202582_10207230556234483_4497660021331035760_n

Our Pricing Predictions:

Actual Retail Prices:

  • Tzaangors $45
  • Scarab Occult Terminators: $60
  • Wrath of Magnus: $75
  • Rubric Marines: $50
  • Exalted Sorcerers: $60
  • Magnus: $130
  • Ahriman: $40

CSI Robbie B’s Predictions: 5/7

Obviously at the time we had no idea of what the prices would end up being, however ya gotta admit we were pretty close with out predictions based of previous existing kits.

Either way one thing is for sure; no one’s wallet will be safe this holiday!

Also GW stores around the globe have started showing this new product image off, showcasing the upcoming releases as well:

GW curse of magnus

Thousand Sons Hobby and Model Breakdown:

[envira-gallery id=”156437″]


Wrath of Magnus curse of the wulfen

The Latest On Curse of the Wulfen From GW & Around the Web

Chaos Players, Rise up!