GW Author Annouces Siege of Terra Coming “Soon”

By Rob Baer | December 26th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Imperial Palace Terra

Come see this amazingly awesome foreshadowing by a Games Workshop Author about the all important Siege of Terra saga that we have been waiting for from Black Library.

This was just spotted on Twitter over the weekend:

seige of terra twitter

My final in-house planning meeting with and ‘s Alan Bligh is over. The date is set. Terra will burn…

As many of you know the Horus Heresy novel saga is clocking in at about 40 books in the last 10 years, but still have not gotten to the events on Terra and led to the defeat of the Arch-Traitor Horus, and the Emperor’s interment into the Golden Throne.

This tweet is the first indication that the studio is setting a course for the venerable novel series to cover the Siege of Terra, and more.

Note that Alan Bligh was part of this meeting as well perhaps to keep the continuity of the overall events in place, and maybe collaborate on the Forge World Side of the Horus Heresy (30k) Supplements as well.

Horus Heresy Collection 01

So this is good news overall for any fan that has been waiting 10 years since the start of the novels to get the full story of the battle of Terra, and perhaps the scouring of the Chaos traitors out of the Galaxy afterwards as well.

Checkout more on the Siege of Terra and our Editorial one year ago about when we would see these events played out in book form as well!

Siege of Terra:

horus walpaper

34 Books Later, How Much Longer Until The Siege of Terra?

Imperial Palace Terra siege of wall sanguinius

Siege of Terra – Armies on Parade

Keep your eyes peeled for more on this news at the Open Day in one week on January 2nd 2017!  With the amount of First Looks & Exclusives already coming I would imagine there will be more epic teasers to come!

..I was there when Horus killed the Emperor..