GW Confirms Plastic Sisters of Battle Lineup For 2017

By Rob Baer | December 20th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sister-walpaper lg

It’s finally happening! Come see Games Workshop’s very own pictures what they had to say about these new plastic Sisters of Battle models!

It’s Official, Plastic Sisters of Battle are coming, and judging by the pictures below, sooner that Games Workshop was letting on.

Look at all the new miniatures! So remember that quote heard around the world about new Sisters models recently?

Cool this isn’t released for months yet. <Long Pause> Plastic Sisters of Battle!

Well now it’s tuned into:

“I’d like to see Saint Celestine at the head of a Black Templar crusade into the Cadian Gate”

Skip to 5:31 below:

Now while the reply was “never happening”, judge for yourself from these pictures that look to show Celestine, and a new upcoming Cadian Gate Supplement that were spotted this morning from what looks to be the Jan White Dwarf:


New Supplement or something else? Either way looks like Abaddon’s on the cover of a supplement that’s very familiar to the Eye of Terror book from years past.

eye of terror codex

And perhaps a new mini game as well:


Here’s the new release lineup images that were spotted as well:

plastic sisters celestine sisters1216-01-e1482225772267 mech1216-01-e1482225752972 inq-1216-01-e1482225799517

Which line up what Games Workshop showed off in the video just now:

captura-de-pantalla-2016-12-20-a-les-11-39-07 captura-de-pantalla-2016-12-20-a-les-11-39-23 captura-de-pantalla-2016-12-20-a-les-11-39-49

New Tech Priest Magnus, Inquisitor, and of course what looks to be Saint Celestine and a squad of Seraphim as well all appear to be plastic as well.

Is that indeed Celestine? Let’s go CSI Robbie B on this one:

metal celestine

Metal Celestine from the 2000’s


New Plastic One?

Doves Check, Roses on Sword check. Tabard under the model, check. Winged Skull greaves, Iron Halo and wire running up the left side of the model, check, check, and check.

Minus the goofy cherubs holding up the wings, I think we have a match here folks!

Get ready to storm the Cadian gate soon folks, this hobby has just gotten real! My body is ready for 2017!

Editors Note: Nothing has been spotted confirming that these are plastic kits, as of press time,  however from the posing and articulations I think it is a safe bet to say these kits will indeed be plastic.

plastic sisters celestine

Sisters of Battle Picture Roundup

Preferred Enemy: Wallet strikes again!