Porphyrion Monday: Twitch LIVE Tutorials & Giveaways

By Rob Baer | January 30th, 2017 | Categories: Uncategorized

Porphyrion side by side

Don’t miss our next Twitch stream TONIGHT at 8pm EST for insightful tabletop hobby news, live tutorials, and all sorts of fun giveaways like the Porphyrion pictured above!

The Spikey Bits Hobby Report is here and is your weekly resource to help keep your hobby muscles strong!

muscles flex

Don’t miss the show every Monday at our new 8pm Eastern time slot on Twitch that will features the latest news and rumors from around the web, with a sprinkle of live product unboxings, hobby tutorials, and giveaways to boot!

swag new

We’ll be featuring live painting tutorials and a ton of fun new giveaways for our next show, so don’t miss our new format for FEBURARY!

Plus January 30th’s BIG giveaway will be for the biggest Knight titan ever, the Porphyrion:


It all starts Monday at 8pm EST! Get a give-away raffle ticket just for following us on Twitch right now:


Spikey Bits Twitch Channel