RUMORS – New Winged 40k Primarch Model Spotted?

By Rob Baer | January 28th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

hor of space marine and chaos

Grab all your salt, every last ounce of it, and come see what was just spotted in Europe. Is this the next plastic primarch for Warhammer 40k?

Hot on the heels of the beautiful well done Magnus the Red we spotted some images today from a site in Europe that appear to show what *could* be a new winged primarch model for Warhammer 40k.

Bring your salt shakers folks and come take a look at this one


This was just spotted under Warhammer 40k & Aos (Translated from Russian?)

Rumors about the new little dogs Abaddon! Just kidding, just about demonic primarchs.
It is said that this will be the next Mortarion. The size of it will not be less than Magnus, and also with wings.
More books in the series covers designer “Gathering Storm,” he said he “still working on the third cover, but it’s going to make it more colorful and lively (compared to Split Biel-Tan), gilt, like a spark of hope in the galaxy.” Well, or something like that…

Sanguinius will be the first returning primarch loyalist (no, well, what if)!
Or it will Garviel Loken. Fourth is not given..

They also provide this image, which looks to be on a GW base. However the size of the image itself is way to small to tell if it is indeed a GW model.

plastic mortaion

Now if you look at some of the images out there on the web, and from GW themselves, this does appear indeed to depict the Primarch of the Death Guard Legion: Mortarion.

mortarion primarch lore

So what are the odds that this IS really Mortarion, and we’ll be seeing him sooner rather than later? Hard to say at this point really. BUT seeing a rumor like this come out of eastern Europe makes it a little more far fetched indeed.

As always add salt to taste, as this is a 100% “Grade A” rumor that could easily turn out to be bogus, as the size of the picture is meant to either withhold it’s real actual secrets OR keep it from being proven as a fake.

But remember too, it has also been rumored that the next (Third) Triumvirate box will be for Chaos as well. So what if that lines up with this model for Mortarion?

BoLS is reporting the following:

Old timer rumor-monger Mikhael says:

  • A 3rd Triumerate of minis is cominIt is focussed on Chaos
  • Abaddon the Despoiler
  • Warlord Kossalax (Ed. no idea???)
  • Daemon Prince Urkanthos (last seen killing off Celestine’s handmaidens in Fall of Cadia)

So it looks like Chaos may be getting the next Triumvirate. What are your thoughts? Is there going to be a 4th Triumvirate? What faction do you think needs it most?

UrkanthosMore Fall of Cadia