The MOBA Inspired Miniature Game You Have to See!

By Zeb Barrett | February 9th, 2017 | Categories: Kickstarter

Judgement Kickstarter

Take a look at Judgement! A 54mm miniature table top game inspired by MOBA video games! Come check out this hero brawler on Kickstarter!

A new MOBA is in the works but this time it’s in the form of a 54mm miniature table top game! Back this project today on Kickstarter!

Judgement is a 2 player table-top miniatures game inspired by the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) computer game genre. In Judgement you play the role of a demigod that summons mortal heroes to the shadow plane of In-Between to capture Souls that fuel your immortal power. Each hero is represented on the table-top by a finely crafted 54mm scale resin miniature with incredible detail and dynamism.

Bastian Oriel - One of the Heroes of Judgement

Bastian Oriel – One of the Heroes of Judgement

This Kickstarter introduces the 1st wave of heroes that you can summon to do your bidding. All 10 are powerful mortals that have the potential to swing the battle in your favour, your challenge is learning to unlock that potential and wreak havoc on the Shadow Plane of In-Between!

Judgement miniatures are sculpted in the 54mm scale which enables an awe inspiring level of detail and character.


Each hero is meticulously designed in consultation with a team of talented illustrators and sculptors to encapsulate the unique world and game play mechanics of Judgement. This stunning initial set of miniatures is only the beginning!

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Numerous strategic layers are interwoven into the very fabric of Judgement, making for an immersive, challenging and thoroughly rewarding gaming experience. Being able to select any 5 heroes from across our range to be part of your Warband presents you with your first tactical challenge.


Judgement battles are fought in a circular arena with the size determined by the number of heroes each player is fielding. In a 3 heroes per side game the battle field is a 2 foot diameter circle, in a 5 heroes per side game it is a 3 foot diameter circle.


You can mark out the battlefield and use your own terrain collection, or get one of our specially designed neoprene gaming mats as an add on. Here you can see an example of one of our mats with monster and Soul spawning locations, Shrines (objectives), each player’s Effigy (their base) and the location of terrain.

Head over to the Judgement Kickstarter for more information and to pledge today!

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