Firepower For Days, Want One? – Pic of the Day

By James Rodriguez | March 12th, 2017 | Categories: Picture of the Day

Today’s Picture of the Day was spotted going down the road, definitely not something you would wan to get stuck behind, but want to own!

This is one machine that is a must have! Where do we get one? How much? Please take our money for the next 3 years!


Obviously its a prop from the Transformers movie where Spock goes crazy and kills everyone, but it’s still neat to see again!

About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”