8 Modeling Hacks For The Warlord Titan You Should Know

warlord titan art H&S

Hey there hobby fans, today Rob is back with another great video detailing everything you need to know when building the monstrous Warlord Titan from Forge World!

There’s no doubt about it, this is the biggest, meanest kit ever produced by Forge World!  It’s got tons of parts and weighs more than most armies!

The colossal Mars pattern Warlord Titan is among the most ancient and feared of the Imperium’s war machines. Forged on the Red Planet itself, it is worshipped and venerated as the Omnissiah’s will incarnate, and each god-engine is encased in layered armour and powerful void shielding, and armed with weapons that are capable of reducing armies to ash.

Exploded view

That’s a TON of parts!

Rob is going to guide us through the trickiest bits of assembling this beast, namely the arms and the legs.  Without proper setup, these critical components can fail, causing your expensive and painstakingly assembled beast crashing to the ground.  The Warlord Titan can be purchased from Forge World.

Dry fitting

One of the most important steps when assembling a model on this scale is dry fitting your parts.  This lets you get a feel for how everything is going to come together in the end, and helps show which components might be warped or where you need to add some extra support in the form of pins or dowels.

Gap filling

Once you have the parts correctly assembled, it’s time to tackle the gaps.  In an ideal world all the Forgeworld components would fit together perfectly, but sadly the limitations of the materials means that gap filling Forgeworld stuff isn’t going away any time soon.


Ensuring your new masterpiece has the proper support while it dries is especially critical when assembling the load bearing parts like the Legs and hips.  Rob talks about the different tools he uses to ensure everything sticks together long enough for things to set.

CU finished

After those long hours spend grinding drilling and scrubbing super glue off your fingers, it sure feels good to get it all together and see it on the table doesn’t it?

Check out the full video below for all 8 of the Modeling hacks you need to add to your hobby arsenal!