Playing The New Primarch: Guilliman Tactical Review

By James Rodriguez | March 4th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Roboute Guilliman Avenging Son

Triumvirate of the Primarch is finally here and the tactical posts are starting to come out! Come find out the latest info on Roboute Guilliman!

Frontline Gaming is doing a little mini series on their tactical ideas for the new Triumvirate. Today they’re focusing on Roboute Guilliman, his rules, and abilities. The more we find out, the more we like this model. Let’s take a look at some of the key points.

Roboute Guilliman Header

Special Rules: I am going to lead off with the rules that were NOT revealed on the official site. Guilliman comes with:

  • Adamantium Will
  • Chapter Tactics (Ultramarines)
  • Eternal Warrior
  • Fearless
  • Feel no Pain
  • Fleet
  • Precision Shots/Strikes
  • Preferred Enemy (Chaos)

Guilliman Gathering Storm III

Guilliman wields the Emperor’s Sword and the Hand of Dominion in combat. Which means he has a 3 shot strength 6 ap2 rending boltgun and a Str 10 Ap 1 sword with armorbane, concussion, soul blaze and the ability to turn 6s to D hits or automatically hit every model within 1 inch automatically.

The Armor of Fate he is wearing confers him a not so grav-friendly 2+ armor save and 3++ invuln save and gives him the ability to come back to life with d3 wounds on a 4+ at the start of your turn.

Some key buffs Guilliman gives the wovles is rerolling 1’s to hit in close combat, and the ability to add 1 to their run and charge moves.

Guilliman does really well in an Imperial Guard Artillery army. He buffs conscripts, vultures, punisher tanks, artillery, and pretty much all of the guardsmen who like to stake nice and cozy in the backlines. In turn, those models can provide him with a bubble-wrap of warm bodies to keep any of the nastier shooting away from him.

Guilliman Gathering Storm III

His Warlord Trait is simple, he gets all of the command traits from the BRB. All of them. At the same time. This means within 12 inches he becomes a buff/debuff machine making any of your Armies of the Imperium models a lot more efficient.

As the Primarch of the XIIIth legion he gives all Ultramarines in your army an extra set of doctrines. For when you really want to use doctrines in your Gladius Strike Force for 2 straight games!

Rumor is he’s 350 points.

There is sure to be more information put out on Guilliman and the new Triumvirate over the next week leading up to the release. Stay tuned for the latest updates, we’ll be putting them out all week as soon as we get them.

Pro Tip: Stay Stealth!