RUMORS: List of 40k Products That Are Being Discontinued?

By James Rodriguez | April 23rd, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

marine 40k 8th edition space hor walWith the announcement of 8th edition people are starting to wonder which codex books and products are getting the axe for the new edition.

La Voz De Horus put out a list that was obviously taken of a computer screen showing a list of products that may be discontinued soon:

Discontinued Codexes

Translated by Google:

Do you remember that recently we met a few rumors about Eighth Edition among which it was said that the template (flamethrower) would disappear ? Well this comes from a source that prefers to remain anonymous (with 100% reliability in previous rumors): a list of products that will be discontinued soon.

We all pretty much knew this was coming for some time with the drop of 8th edition, but most of us were hesitant to either believe, or get our hopes up. But this brings up one huge question… Is this the end of templates?

It’s been rumored that GW is indeed doing away with templates as well as codex books. Well we that Games Workshop has said codex books are going away, are templates next?

8th edition is geared towards making Warhammer 40,000 fun again for the veteran players, while still making it easier for new people to get into the game. With 16 different books on the list this is sure to be a change for a lot of people. Good or bad? We’ll let you decide that one.

Are you excited about 8th edition or dreading the change? How “free” is eighth edition truly going to be?

Is Games Workshop going to put out Sigmar-like Battletomes shortly after the release the same way they did AoS? They’ve already said there’s an app on the way, much like the WH AoS app. Are they going to charge to download certain rules and books the same they have with AoS? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”