Adepticon’s Cosplay Winner: Sisters of Battle & Miniature

Sister of Battle Christine Millar CosplayThis Sisters of Battle cosplay was spotted at Adepticon 2017, and it’s one of the best we’ve seen in a long time. This is truly a must see!

We came across Christine Millar at Adepticon this year and couldn’t let her go without talking to her and getting some pictures. Her Sisters of Battle cosplay was one of the best cosplays we saw all week.

The best part is, even her Sisters of Battle mini, Lola, was sporting the fishnets!Sister of Battle Christine Millar Cosplay

Sister of Battle Christine Millar Cosplay Sister of Battle Christine Millar Cosplay

Sister of Battle Christine Millar CosplayThe costume was made out of mostly foam and 3D printed parts. Both Bolters were completely 3D printed, as well as the emblems, and the spikes were bought. This took a lot of time and effort to put together, not to mention the amount of creativity it took to bring the mini to match. It turns out, Sisters of Battle is her favorite army.

Be sure to head over to her Facebook and give her a follow.