BREAKING: New Primaris Space Marine Datasheets

primaris book cover horIf you can’t get enough Primaris Space Marines we got the datasheets, points and weapon profiles for the brand new models!

Scanner has been really busy and now we’re getting a look at the rest of the Primaris Space Marine weapon profiles for 8th Edition. Let’s take a look at what he sent in.

Points AppendixWeapon Profiles

Here we’re getting a full look at all the point costs for each weapon you can equip on the Primaris Space Marines. The Boltstorm Gauntlet is coming in at 33 points, really expensive, but probably going to be packing a punch to match the point cost. There is a lot of 0 point options to help you build your squads to match your play style. For melee weapons you’re getting 2 options: The Master-crafted power sword at 17 points, and the standard power sword is only going to cost you 4.

Weapon Profiles

This is the first time we’re getting a look at the Hellblaster Squad rules wise, and we’re impressed. The unit consists of 4 Hellblasters and 1 Hellblaster Sergeant. The Hellblasters have a Movement value of 6, don’t forget the 2D6 charge for everyone, WS 3+, BS 3+, Strength 4, Toughness 4, 2 Wounds, 2 Attacks, Leadership 7, and a 3+ Save.

The only difference between the Hellblasters and their faithful Sergeant is that the Sergeant get 3 Attacks and an 8 on his Leadership. This really looks to be a pretty good shooting unit, not sure how often you would actually want to get in close with these guys. Throw some standard marines in between them and the enemy, and fire away!

Weapon Profiles

Now on to weapons…. The Plasma Incinerator has a very unique ability. You have the option of supercharging the gun to increase your Strength and Damage by 1, but if you roll any 1’s on your to hit rolls that model is instantly slain and the weapon explodes. Something tells us this might just be a last resort option. It still comes in strong with a 30″ range, Strength 7, AP -4, and does 1 damage. You’re also have the Bolt Pistol for close combat, and choice of 2 grenades for taking care of groups of foes.

Hungry for more? Checkout the rest of the Primaris Rules from the 8th Edition quick reference that were spotted and judge for yourself if they will bring balance to 40k.

What do you think about the new Hellblaster Squad? Are you going to be throwing any of these into your army? Let us know in the comments below.

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