Da Orks Rules Revealed: New Pics from 8th Edition

Ork Wal HorzThe 8th edition leaks are going full force, and now we’re getting a look at some of the new Orks rules!  Come take a look and prepare to WAAAGH!!!

The new Orc index leaks are now making their rounds and you can find them on Imgur.

Ork Index

This is two common abilities across the Ork faction that you’ll see listed on a lot of the unit datasheets. ‘Ere We Go allows units to re-roll failed charge rolls which is going to keep those Ork Boyz moving.

Mob Rule rewards da Orks for strength in numbers. Any unit with this ability can use the number of models in the unit as their Leadership value, or use a Leadership value of any friendly Ork unit within 6″.Orc Index

Who needs a Land Raider when you have a Battlewagon?! This thing can carry 20 Ork Infantry models, each Mega Armor or Jump Pack model takes up the space of two other models. If you decide to equip a killkannon you can only transport 12 models instead. If you decide to give it the ‘Ard Case ability the Toughness value becomes 8 instead of the normal 7. While we’re looking at the toughness let’s take a look at the wounds…

This thing is coming in durable as all hell with 16 wounds, and once it reaches 0 wounds it Explodes! Roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6″ suffers D6 mortal wounds… That’ll leave a mark…

Orc Index

The Tankbustas are exactly what the name suggests. The Tankbusta and Boss Nob have a 5+ BS and a 3+ WS. But the Bomb Squig is a 2+ on the BS and WS. Each Tankbusta and Boss Nob are armed with a rokkit launcha (24″ range, Assault 1, Strength 8, Ap -2, 3 Damage), Stikkbombs (6″ Range,

Grenade D6, Strength 3, AP 0, 1 Damage), and Tankbusta Bombs which lets you make a single hit roll when attacking with it. If it hits it does D3 mortal wounds on the target then you have to remove the bearer of the Tankbusta Bombs. Kind of a last resort suicide bomber option.

This wasn’t as big of a leak as some of the other factions, but something tells us we’ll be seeing more soon. We’re finally getting to see more than what Games Workshop wants us to see. You can find the rest of the rules that were leaked over on Imgur.

What do you think about the new Ork Rules? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”