Forge World’s New Release Lineup REVEALED!

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Forge World just released a new set of Thousand Sons Legion Sehkmet Terminator Cabals and upgrades. Come check out the latest pre-order items.



The Sekhmet, also known widely as the Scarab Occult outside their Legion, were the elite of the First Fellowship of the Thousand Sons, and when called upon to do so, served as Magnus’ personal bodyguard. Clad in Terminator armour, each of them was a high initiate of the Prosperine Mysteries who had sublimated their abilities and emotions into the highest levels of spiritual control, and were able to shun injuries by mere strength of unified will that even to a Space Marine would have proved mortal.

Sekhmet Terminator Cabal

Marked by the jade scarab bonded to their armour, they stood apart from others of the Legion, a brotherhood within a brotherhood. Able to hold their minds at the highest levels of the Enumerations, the Scarab Occult fought with such unified precision and control that they seemed to some less warriors of flesh and blood, but more automata sculpted in the form of men.

Build a set of Cataphractii Terminators and upgrade them to the powerful Sekhmet Terminator Cabal with this kit. It contains a set of 5 plastic Cataphractii Terminators with resin torso and arm upgrades.

Sekhmet Terminator Cabal

There are three different types of cowl – one unique, two repeated – along with five left arms and force axes, which replace the standard left arms and weapons found with the plastic Cataphractii Terminators. An Elite choice for Thousand Sons Legion army list, their rules can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

The kit is supplied with 5 40mm round bases.


Khenetai Occult Blade Upgrade Set


Field a full 10-man Khenetai Occult Blade Cabal with this bundle of 10 plastic Mark IV Space Marines and two sets of resin upgrade components.

Khenetai Occult Blade Upgrade Set

The resin upgrade sets are designed to allow you to upgrade ten plastic Mark IV Space Marines to the status of a Khenetai Occult Blade Cabal. It contains ten torsos, ten right arms and ten left arms (each wielding force swords, meaning two of these curved blades for each model) and ten heads. These parts replace their equivalents from your Mark IV Space Marines, turning them into this Elite choice for a Thousand Sons Legion army list.

Khenetai Occult Blade Upgrade Set

Rules for the Khenetai Occult Blade Cabal can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

The bundle is supplied with ten 32mm bases and the transfer sheet from the Mark IV Space Marines kit.


Khenetai Occult Blade Upgrade Set


The Khenetai Occult were a mystical sect within the Thousand Sons Order of the Jackal who served as the guardians of the five Prosperine Cults as well as their reliquaries and sanctums. Bound together by oath and ritually-forged psychic bonds, each of the elite were all initiates of the Cults’ inner secrets and adepts in their techniques, philosophies and arts.

Khenetai Occult Blade Upgrade Set

The foremost warriors of the Khenetai formed cabals of ‘blades’; sublimely skilled warriors who had honed their psychic powers to be at one with their sword mastery. Their dual force swords were shaped from single sheets of psycho-crystalline infused ceramite and gilt, with sigils said to correspond to the wielder’s secret names and the deeds they had performed. In battle they wore armour forged and shaped by the Legion’s blind artificers using fire and the force of their minds alone, and fought with a unified precision that made them seem a single warrior manifested many times, rather than a group of individual fighters.

Khenetai Occult Blade Upgrade Set

This resin upgrade set is designed to allow you to upgrade five plastic Mark IV Space Marines to the status of a Khenetai Occult Blade Cabal. It contains five torsos, five right arms and five left arms (each wielding force swords, meaning two of these curved blades for each model) and five heads. These parts replace their equivalents from your Mark IV Space Marines, turning them into this Elite choice for a Thousand Sons Legion army list.

Rules for the Khenetai Occult Blade Cabal can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

These are some amazing looking minis that are now up for pre-order. Be sure to head on over to Forge World and order yours today!

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