Forge World’s New Release Lineup REVEALED!

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Forge World’s back and just released some great new minis,as Skaven are getting some great looking additions to their team Blood Bowl team and more!

WARPGNAW VERMINLORD £52 (re-release)

Exhalted Verminlord


Warpgnaw Verminlords are the pathfinders and half-insane guides of the great horde of verminkind, dwelling within the folds of reality as wanderers of the vast network of gnawholes and dimensional passages used by the Skaven to infest all of creation, never wholly within any realm at one time. When the servants of the Horned Rat swarm, it is often these abominations that take the lead, opening paths to realms ripe for plunder and striding forth to rend the enemies of the Horned Rat alongside his lesser children.

Exhalted Verminlord

An imposing example of Skaven fury, the Warpgnaw Verminlord towers rather than hiding in the shadows. Providing the Skaven collector – or the collector of the wider Warhammer Age of Sigmar range – with a stunning centrepiece, this single-pose miniature oozes character from its massive horns, sneering maw, and sinewy body covered in carved Skaven runes. Even the tall, spindly gnaw-glaive it carries provides ample opportunities for the painter!

Exhalted Verminlord

This multi-part resin model comes as 16 components, and is supplied with a 105mmx50mm oval base. Rules for fielding the Warpgnaw Verminlord in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar are available as a .pdf download.


Hakflem Skuttlespike


Hakflem Skuttlespike, the result of decades of unpleasant Skaven experiments, a player upon whose shoulders Clan Rigens immediately placed the future of the Skaven game of Blood Bowl. A petty, jealous and vicious example of Skaven cunning, he ensured that no other player would be created to rival him by killing any Clan Rigens experiment or creation that looked like a potential equal.

Hakflem Skuttlespike

Now, given the sheer amount of time spent ensuring the demise of any Skaven who look able to rival him, you might think that Hakflem Skuttlespike neglects his duties on the hallowed Blood Bowl pitch. Not so! With this bizarre, two-headed resin kit, you can field him as a Star Player in any Skaven team you choose. Furious, muscular and bedecked with spiky bits, he is posed in an appropriately aggressive manner, both of his sharply toothed maws likely shrieking unintelligible threats at whichever poor opponent is in the way. Each of his four (count ‘em!) hands is ready to kill, with metal gloves and a spiked ball among the turmoil. There’s even space for some Skaven symbols on his armour. Rules for this model can be found in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season One.

Hakflem Skuttlespike

This resin kit comprises 10 components, and includes 2 32mm round bases, one featuring a hole to slot a ball into, indicating possession of the ball in your games of Blood Bowl.


Skaven BB Team


The only team to have ever won the Blood Bowl trophy two years on the run (Blood Bowl XVII and XVIII, fact fans,) the Skavenblight Scramblers are at least a bit legendary. They’ve had a run of bad luck since then, but since the recent appointment of their new head coach Sandch Blackpelt, they’ve seen a new lease of life…

Skavenblight Scramblers All Star Bundle

Should you be looking to assemble the very finest Skaven team you can, you could do worse than this bundle. In it, you’ll receive:

– The Skavenblight Scramblers, a multi-part plastic kit containing 2 Blitzers, 2 Throwers, 2 Gutter Runners and 6 Linemen and a roster sheet, along with with a transfer sheet, turn markers, extra balls and 12 32mm Blood Bowl bases;

Skaven BB Team

– A Rat Ogre, a resin miniature in 9 components who can be fielded as a Big Guy in Skaven teams;
– Hakflem Skuttlespike, a resin miniature in 10 components who can be fielded as a Skaven Star Player.

These are some amazing looking minis that are now up for pre-order. Be sure to head on over to Forge World and order yours today!

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