FW Reveals Horus Heresy Will Keep 7th Edition Ruleset!

horus heresy wallpaperForge World revealed some great news for Horus Heresy fans out there during their seminar at Warhammer Fest, and the rules won’t be changing!

Battle Bunnies is live from Warhammer Fest all weekend, and they just posted up pics from the Forge World Seminar stating that Horus Heresy will not be changing, and it will be keeping the 7th edition ruleset, but with a twist:

Check out the info slides below for the full story.

Horus Heresy Warhammer Fest Horus Heresy Warhammer Fest Horus Heresy Warhammer Fest Horus Heresy Warhammer Fest Horus Heresy Warhammer Fest Horus Heresy Warhammer Fest Warhammer Fest Valdor

Valdor is coming!

So Horus Heresy fans can relax a little now knowing the rules will not be going to the 8th edition rules. Instead it will be getting a complete 7th edition rulebook which is tailored for Age of Darkness army lists and Horus Heresy model ranges.

What do you think about this new information? Is there hope again for Forge World and the future of Horus Heresy? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Checkout all the pictures from the event below:

Warhammer Fest Banner

Warhammer Fest Round-Up