New Painted 8th Edition 40k Starter Pics Spotted

By Rob Baer | May 26th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

8th edition versus horDon’t miss this lineup of new painted 8th edition starter pictures that reveal more scale between the old minis and new size of the Bloat-drone!

Games Workshop had a painted 8th Edition Starter set on display at ACD’s Games Day event  this year, and we have some exclusive pictures that were sent to us of the miniatures!

How big is an old school termie compared to the new Primaris Space Marine?

New 40k Minis 8th Edition

New 40k Minis 8th Edition New 40k Minis 8th Edition New 40k Minis 8th Edition New 40k Minis 8th Edition The is the first picture we’re seeing of the new Foetid Bloat-drone, besides what Games Workshop has shown us, and it is towering over the Lord of Contagion mini.

This starter set looks truly amazing and we can’t wait to get our hands on it. Don’t forget it goes on pre-order June 3rd and will be available on June 17th.

What do you think about the new starter set?

Dark ImperiumLatest  8th Edition News & Rumors from Games Workshop