New 8th Edition Imperial Knight Rules Stomping In!

imperial knight8th edition’s reveals are going full force, and now we’re getting a look at some of the Imperial Knight datasheets rules!  Come take a look at latest 40k.

There hasn’t been anything put out by Games Workshop on the new Imperial Knight rules, or what to expect in the new edition, but that doesn’t matter anymore. Spotted on Imgur, these new Datasheets are sure to get you excited about your Knights again.

Knight Army List

The Imperial Knights have 2 Carapace Weapons: Twin Icarus Autocannon, Stormspear Rocket Pod, and Ironstorm Missile Pod. The <Household> keyword allows you to nominate what household that unit is from. Or you can choose to make the Imperial Knight a Freeblade, in which case you’ll replace the <Household> keyword with the Freeblade keyword.

Knight Warden

All Imperial Knights are coming with 24 wounds and each have their strengths, but we want to focus on the Knight Warden. Why? Because of the Avenger Gatling Cannon, that’s why. It has a 36″ range, Heavy 12 (Yes you will be firing off 12 shots), Strength 6, AP -2, and does 2 damage. Combine that with a 3+ BS and you’re going to be landing a good percentage of suppressive fire. You can replace the Heavy Stubber (36″ range, Heavy 3, 1 Damage) with a Melta gun (12″ Range, Assault 1, Strength 8, AP -4, D6 Damage, and if the target is with half range of this weapon you get to roll two D6 and discard the lowest value).

Then when you get into melee range the weapon choices start becoming pretty brutal. The Reaper Chainsword is +4 to your Strength, taking it up to 12, AP -3, and does 6 damage on a 3+. You can choose to replace the Reaper Chainsword with a Thunderstrike Gauntlet. The Thunderstike Gauntlet is coming in strong with x2 to you Strength, bringing it up to a Strength 16, AP-4, and it’s doing 6 Damage on a 3+.

The downside to this weapon though lies in it’s ability which makes you subtract 1 from the hit roll when attacking with this weapon. However, if a Vehicle or Monster is slain by this weapon, pick an enemy unit within 9″ of the bearer and roll a D6. On a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. These weapons are sure to put a hurting on your opponent.

a lance knight walpaper

Ability wise there isn’t much to it. Ion shield is giving the Knight a 5+ invulnerable save. Explodes happens when the model hits 0 remaining wounds. Roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield, and on a 6 it explodes. Each unit within 2D6″ suffered D6 mortal wounds. Super-heavy Walker just says this model can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still shoot and/or charge in the same turn.

When it Falls Back it can move over enemy Infantry models, but must end its movement more than 1″ from any enemy units. Also, this model can move and fire Heavy weapons without suffering the penalty to its hit rolls. Lastly, this model on gains a cover bonus if half the model is obscured from the firer.

Questor Imperialis Points

We’re finally getting to see more than what Games Workshop wants us to see. You can find the rest of the Imperial Knight rules and wargear that were leaked over on Imgur.

What do you think about the new Imperial Knight Rules?

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