Vulture & Vendetta 8th Rules Datasheets SPOTTED

vulture astra militarum

Today we’re getting a look at some new datasheets from the Astra Militarum Imperial Armor book that was just releases on Warhammer Digital.

The Imperial Armor – Index: Astra Militarum book is now available, and we’re starting to see the datasheets coming in. The latest images were spotted, but let’s take a look at the Vendetta and Vulture Gunships.

Astra Militarum

A solid build for the Vulture Gunship is going to be the heavy bolter and twin punisher gatling cannons, bring the total point cost to 160. That’s actually really good considering what you’re getting. It comes with 14 wounds and you don’t see a drop in stats until you hit 7 remaining wounds. It’s starting the game with a 20″-45″ move (it’s a flying vehicle so it does have a minimum movement), WS 6+, BS 4+, Strength 7, Toughness 7, 14 Wounds, 3 Attacks, Leadership 7, and a 3+ Save.

The twin punisher gatling cannon has a 24″ range and it’s firing off 40 shots! Combo that with the Strafing Run ability which lets you add 1 to hit rolls against units that don’t have the FLY keyword and you’re going to be dropping ground units left and right.


Astra Militarum

Checkout the rest of the Datasheets and Points for the new Imperial Armor Astra Militarum units!

The Vendetta is another great alternative to the Vulture in this book. It comes equipped with three twin lascannons bringing the total cost for this ship to 230 points. It may seem a little pricey but when you look at a single twin lascannon having a 48″ range, Heavy 2, Strength 9, AP -3, and doing D6 damage, now you’re doing that 3 times, and it’s going to hurt your opponent tremendously.

The Hard to Hit ability is going to make this ship even harder to take down, forcing your opponent to subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target it.  Grav-chute Insertion is going to be one great way to get your models into battle quicker. Models may disembark from this vehicle at any point during its move, but if the ship has moved more than 20″, you must roll a D^ for each model disembarking. On a 1, that model is slain. All units must be set up more than 9″ from an enemy model.

Vulture Vendetta Gunship

Both of these units are looking like great additions for any Astra Militarum army. Are you going to be fielding either of these models in your list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

In case you haven’t already, make sure you head over and order your Imperial Armor – Index: Astra Militarum.




This book is designed to update the rules for Forge World’s current and recent ranges of models for use with the latest incarnation of the Warhammer 40,000 game. It provides rules for Forge World’s Astra Militarum, Death Korps of Krieg, Elysian Drop Troops, Imperial Knights/Questor Imperialis and Titan Legions, as well as the malevolent traitors of the Renegades and Heretics army.

This book and its contents are fully compatible with Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2, expanding the datasheets which are found there and contain all the information you need to field your Forge World models from the Astra Militarum, Death Korps of Krieg, Elysian Drop Troops, Imperial Knights/Questor Imperialis, Titan Legions and Renegade and Heretics factions in the new edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game. Also included are both Power Ratings and an appendix for their use in Battle-forged armies.

Contained in the 128-page softback:

– 59 datasheets for using your Astra Militarum miniatures;.

– 16 datasheets for using your Death Korps of Krieg miniatures;.

– 11 datasheets for using your Elysians miniatures;

– 14 datasheets for using your Renegades & Heretics miniatures;

– 7 datasheets for using your Imperial Knights/Knight Questoris miniatures;

– 3 datasheets for using your Titans.

Every model, weapon and piece of wargear has its own points value, and every weapon has a profile.

Please note – you will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 1 and Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2 to make full use of this book and its contents. And if you plan on using your renegades and heretics datasheets you will also need a copy of Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Chaos

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