The Best Army List in 8th 40k Is Blood Angels?

dante closeup

The ATC was this weekend and had 58 teams participating in a fast-paced weekend of matches. Let’s take a look at the best individual list from the ATC.


There was a three way tie for first between Mike Welch (Daemons), Cater Leach (Eldar), and Brad Chester (Blood Angels- below). First, Second and Third, was determined by battlepoints by team, going to Fluffy Bunnies.

The ATC is the first “Major” tournament of 8th edition and brings with along a lot of powerful lists.  Despite the unique team format, most of the lists from the top ATC players and winning team will shape the meta until the NOVA Open next month.

Several powerhouse teams from last year returned to test their lists. Most teams played a declination of 3 lists: The Razorwing Flock Spam, Dante and Storm Ravens, and Guiliman with Whatever. A lot of teams also throw in Guard blobs, that are great defender armies usually and Daemons with the Changeling that are great choice for defending lists because of the added resilience.

ATCUPDATE: Brad Chester, from the Fluffy Bunnies was awarded Best Individual for the ATC.

Individual Player Final Standings

1 Brad Chester 120
2 Carter Leach 120
3 Mike Welch 120

His list combined a Vanguard Detachment with Dante, Inquisition Acolytes, and a Daemonhost with an Air Wing Detachment  of five Stormravens forming the bulk of his list in terms of points.

Stormravens are pretty good. They pack a  whole lot of shooting for cheap, defend really well versus assault, get defensive bonus versus shooting.  Combined with cheap units from the inquisition and a buff-totting Dante that can Jump Pack around and you have yourself a mobile firebase.

Brad Chester’s list.

Vanguard Detachement +1CP (Imperium – Blood Angels) [32 PL, 556pts]

  • Dante
  • Inq. Acolyte
  • Inq. Acolyte
  • Inq. Acolyte
  • Inq. Acolyte
  • Inq. Acolyte
  • Daemonhost
  • Stormraven Gunship – Twin assault cannon, Twin heavy bolter, Two Hurricane Bolters, Two Stormstrike Missile Launchers

commander dante lore

Flyer Wing  +1CP (Imperium – Space Marines) [75 PL, 1444pts]

  • Stormraven Gunship – Twin assault cannon, Twin heavy bolter, Two Hurricane Bolters, Two Stormstrike Missile Launchers
  • Stormraven Gunship – Twin assault cannon, Twin heavy bolter, Two Hurricane Bolters, Two Stormstrike Missile Launchers
  • Stormraven Gunship – Twin assault cannon, Twin Multimelta, Two Hurricane Bolters, Two Stormstrike Missile Launchers
  • Stormraven Gunship – Twin assault cannon, Twin Multimelta, Two Hurricane Bolters, Two Stormstrike Missile Launchers
  • Stormraven Gunship – Twin assault cannon, Twin heavy bolter, Two Hurricane Bolters, Two Stormstrike Missile Launchers


There you have it. The best individual list from the ATC takes advantage of a low model count to start the game, unleash a whole lot of shots empowered with Commander Dante’s buff to carry the day.

For more ATC breakdown, checkout my musing on the meta over at Mismatched Play.



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