Bucking The Meta: Top Original Lists From 40k ATCs

atc 2017 wobbly modelers long war
Looking for something more original to play in 8th Edition 40k? Come see these top lists from ATC for the 3rd place overall Wobbly Modelers team!

The ATC 2017 is a thing of the past now, and Team Wobbly Modelers came home with a pretty nifty 3rd place trophy. You might recognize some of these happy campers from The Long War battle reports.
While many of the lists were the same ( Birds! ), the Wobbly Modelers got there without using any of those lists.
Have you heard about the word?
However, there was a lot of the proverbial spam, and we played a Roboute Guilliman as well, but no razorback or Storm Raven to go with it.
  • No Blood Angels at all, or Storm Ravens at all for that matter.
  • Our Eldar was not the Razorwing, but 8 Crimson Hunters.
  • Our daemons were not Changeling and Brimstone Horors, but 8 Daemon Princes of Nurgle.
  • We did not play a guard blob with 120+ conscripts, our Astra Militarum list featured 3 Baneblade variants.
  •  We did play a Genestealer Cult, in fact, Austin won Best GSC player for the event.
This is probably the biggest break from 7th edition, being able to compete without playing the top 3-4 top tier army.  List creators around the globe rejoice, all is not lost for the non-meta adhering folks.
We played a lot of good teams, including 3 of them that had the Storm Ravens and the Razorwing Flock list, and I can confirm that we had fun every single game regardless.
For more about the ATC, or the tournament scene in general, check out the full article straight on the Mismatched Play blog.
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