GW Releases More Must Read 8th Edition Commentary

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There is a new three page document that Games Workshop put out along with their first official 8th Edition FAQs that new and old players alike should take a look at!

Is it time to revise how your playing 8th Edition?

Good guy Games Workshop has players covered this week not only with FAQs for all 5 index books, but also some follow up commentary on more key concepts for 8th Edition:

If you’re a veteran player trying to break the habit of 7th Edition 40k, this document is for you!

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Here’s what they had to say:

There’s also an updated version of our Designer’s Commentary; this isn’t an FAQ but a brief and thorough guide to some of the key concepts of the new edition. These include how rerolls and modifiers are handled and how the Keyword system is intended to work (for example, even if you named your Tyranid Hive Fleet “Ultramarines” the only stirring emotions they’d experience in the presence of Marneus Calgar would be hunger).

Stepping Into a New Edition of 40k:


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Since the release of Warhammer 40,000 we have received lots of questions regarding some of the rules. Many of these are from veteran players, those who have played previous versions of Warhammer 40,000 and so are used to playing using certain mechanics that have either now subtly changed or do not exist within the new rules at all. This has created some situations that are unique to these veteran players as they continue to apply preconceptions from previous editions, and so this document has been created with the purpose of guiding existing players to the rules as presented in the latest edition of Warhammer 40,000. This guide has been created alongside our expert group of playtesters – players who themselves fall into the category of veterans and who have a huge amount of experience of just this kind of transition. If you are new to Warhammer 40,000 you do not need to read this guide, as you will have no preconceptions to unlearn.

Here’s 10 key things to remember about the game going forward from GW’s newest document:

Q. Does my psyker need to be visible to the enemy psyker manifesting the psychic power to attempt to Deny the Witch?

A. No. The psyker just needs to be within 24″ of them.


Q. If a Vehicle model has a base, but it is itself larger than the base (such as a Stormraven Gunship), what do I measure to – the base or the hull of the vehicle?

A. Unless such a model’s datasheet has an ability saying otherwise, you measure to and from the model’s base.


Q. When shooting with models, do I measure ranges from the model’s weapons, or from its base (or hull, if it’s a vehicle without a base)?

A. Distances are measured from the closest point of the model’s base (or from the closest point of the vehicle’s hull if it does not have a base) to the closest point of the target’s base (or hull).


Q. Is there any limit on the number of enemy units I can choose as targets of a charge?

A: No – so long as all the targets of the charge are within 12″, you can declare as many targets of a charge as you like.


Q. Can I use a Soulburst action to charge in the Fight phase and fight in the same phase?

A: No.unit that uses a Soulburst action to charge in the Fight phase cannot then fight in that phase.

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Q. Do models that are still embarked within a transport count as being in range of an objective marker if their transport is within range of it?

A. No.


Q. If I charge a transport that has the Open-topped ability, can units that are embarked inside also fire Overwatch at the charging unit?

A. No


Q. Can a unit that Advances or Falls Back embark within a transport? What about if the transport has moved before – can a unit still embark inside?

A. Yes, yes and yes (remember though that a transport cannot both embark and disembark units in the same turn).


Q. Do units have to pile in and consolidate?

A. No, these extra moves are optional.

Q. Can a single-model unit declare charges against multiple units?

A. Yes. A single model can declare charges against several units, even if it would be impossible to finish the charge within 1″ of all of them.

Doing so gives you more choices on where to actually move, depending upon your subsequent charge roll, but leaves you vulnerable to more Overwatch.

How many of these were you getting wrong in your games? I know messed up a few for sure.

Tons more I am sure are on the way from this one folks, keep your eyes peeled as we break these bad boys down one by one. Thanks to Games Workshop for putting out more great clarifications on 8th Edition, dropping these FAQs for us, and continuing to take the lead by listening to the community.

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