5 Secret Tricks To Painting Gold That Shines

By Guest Author | August 8th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, How To Tutorial, Videos

gold wal hor

Like painting gold but have trouble getting it to flow from the airbrush? Come see our secret tricks to painting a gold color by brush that truly shines.

Welcome back Warhammer fanatics! Today Rob is here to show us how to paint some amazing gold using the awesome the Army Painter brand paints!

Using only four awesome metallics from the masterminds over at Army Painter Rob is going to walk us through painting gold armor on Vanus Hammerhands.

Gold Paints

After Rob has finished up the flesh tones he starts by blocking out all the armor panels using True Copper.  Once all the panels are blocked in, he applies a layer of Games Workshop’s Reikland Flesh Shade to the armor panels (Editor’s note I should have added in a tad of purple wash here to give it depth).


Once the shade is dry, it’s time to apply highlights of Army Painter’s Greedy gold to the bulk of the armor panels.  Following that is a smaller highlight of the Bright Gold.

Gold + WashLast step is to make an equal mix of the Shining Silver and Bright Gold and apply it to the edges of the armor.

Final highlight

It turns out that these paints actually airbrush quite well with a little Vallejo flow improver mixed in. Try it next time in your airbrush when you’re not blocking color in by hand.

Check out the whole tutorial in the link below!