New Iron Warriors & Tzeentch Rules Chaos Codex Teasers

chaos iron warriors

It’s Chaos’ turn for new rules teasers again from Games Workshop, and today we’re getting a look at the Iron Warriors. Iron Within, new rules without!

Leading up to the release of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex, Games Workshop will be giving the Chaos chapters the same dose of teasers the Space Marine chapters got. Let’s see what they had to say about the Iron Warriors.

The Iron Warriors are masters of siege warfare, pulling down enemy fortifications with massed firepower and vile Daemon engines. In the new codex, Iron Warriors are the strongest Chaos Space Marine army when it comes to ranged warfare, slaying the enemy wherever they may hide.

40k Legion Focus Iron Warriors

The Legion Trait:

The Iron Warriors Legion Trait is Siege Lords:

40k Legion Focus Iron Warriors Trait

Similar to their bitter rivals, the Imperial Fists, this allows the Iron Warriors to ignore enemy bonuses to cover when shooting. Most Heretic Astartes armies are best used in assault, but the Iron Warriors are a deadly midrange army, easily capable of trading shots with massed infantry.

Not only is Siege Lords negating your opponents cover bonus to their save rolls, but you also get to re-roll failed wound rolls when your attack targets a building. Hmmm sounds a little familiar eh? Looking at you Imperial Fists…

Top Units

Chaos Terminators are a great unit for Iron Warriors armies. These brutal juggernauts have long been one of the most popular choices for Chaos Space Marines forces thanks to their excellent saves and huge range of wargear, and the new edition has only served to make Chaos Terminators more powerful thanks to an additional Wound and huge improvements to combi-weapons. Give yours combi-flamers and use the Weaver of Fates psychic power and you’ll have a hugely durable firebase, capable of storming even the most redoubtable fortress with hails of punishing firepower.

Mark of Tzeentch

The Weaver of Fates psychic ability is going to be great for the survivability of your army. Being able to add 1 to your invulnerable save rolls is going to be huge, but giving units that don’t have an invulnerable save a 5+ one seems like it’s going to be more beneficial. Looks like marks are coming back with a vengeance in this book.

Daemon Princes in Iron Warriors armies can use the Fleshmetal Exoskeleton for an enormous 2+ armour save and a Wound healed every turn, turning an already durable unit into a nigh-indestructible juggernaut. If you’re looking for a leader for your Iron Warriors army in the new codex, this is it.

40k Legion Focus Iron War

The Daemon Princes are already a great model to have in any Chaos Army. Now, drop one into your Iron Warriors list, give it the Fleshmetal Exoskeleton, and you’re opponent will have a hard time killing it while suffering round after round of its damage. A 2+ Save and it heals 1 wound at the start of each of your turns, sign us up!

How to use them:

The Iron Warriors way of war isn’t particularly complicated – set up camp on the objectives with your ranged units and unleash hell; the beauty of this army is that even if you’re charged, you’ll be pretty dangerous thanks to the natural proficiency of Chaos Space Marines in close combat. Combined with the Cold and Bitter Warlord Trait, you’ll be able to wear down your opponent while holding fast with huge units of Chaos Space Marines, Cultists and Terminators.

To further add to their survivability, Cold and Bitter is going to make it so all friendly Iron Warriors units within 6″ of your Warlord automatically pass Morale tests. No need to worry about any of your rock hard soldiers fleeing the battlefield because a couple of their comrades went down.

All in all, it looks like the Iron Warriors are going to be a solid choice for the Chaos players out there. Come back tomorrow when Games Workshop previews the Night Lords.

What are your thoughts on the latest update for the Iron Warriors? Let us know in the comments below.

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”