New GW Website For Shadespire & Quick Start PDF

By James Rodriguez | September 29th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Shadespire, Warhammer 40k Rumors

shadespire warriors skeleton

Games Workshop just revealed a the new website, quick start guide, and more for Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. You’re not going to want to miss this.

The latest announcement from Games Workshop revealed more than met the eye. The new Shadespire website has everything you need to know to get you started on your quest in the Mirrored City. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about the new website, and see what it has to offer.

The Shadespire website has arrived! If you’ve been dying to dive into the City of Mirrors for yourself, this is your first step, providing your guide to the game, the city, and the warbands. We’re also very happy to announce when Shadespire will be available to pre-order – you’ll be able to secure your copy on the 14th of October.

Shadespire Pre Order

On the website, you’ll find a breakdown of how Shadespire plays, allowing you to learn the mechanics of the game before you get your hands on your copy. There are tips and tricks for each warband, as well as a rough guide to how they play, too, allowing you to choose your favourite and start planning your strategies.

Shadespire Site Thumbs

Meanwhile, if you’re interested in just why all these warbands are battling, and what they’re fighting for, you can get up to date with the storyline of this corner of the Mortal Realms.

Shadespire Warbands

Finally, the website features some handy downloads, including a quick-start guide, glossary and reference sheets. These should help you get familiar with some of the core mechanics of the game before you pick up your set.

The new website really is making it really easy to get started with Warhammer Underworld: Shadespire. So, let’s take a quick look at the quick-start guide and reference sheet.

Shadespire Quick Start Sheet

This is going to be a great way to familiarize yourself with the new game before it’s release on October 14th. Everything from playing the game, how to move your fighter, the attack and defense steps, and the end phase can all be found on the new, two page, quick-start sheet.

The reference sheet is giving is a go to page for how the game is supposed to play.

Shadespire Reference

This sheet breaks down the game from start to finish. It looks like there’s going to be 3 rounds of gameplay, each with an action and end phase. This is also going to be a great source if you’re wanting to know how the combat or end phase are going to work.

But what comes in the box? We’ve seen plenty of teaser images showing the contents of the box, but now we’re getting a full breakdown.

Shadespire Contents

The new website has everything you need to know about Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. Still not sure what warband you’re going to play, or how to paint them? They have you covered on those as well. Head on over, check out the new site, and prepare yourself for battle in the Mirrored City!

What do you think about the new website? Are you looking forward to playing Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire? We’d love to hear your thoughts, drop us a line in the comments below.

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