Fear the Cavalry! Converted all Death Rider DKOK

By Gothmog | October 3rd, 2017 | Categories: Army Showcase, Astra Militarum, Warhammer 40k

Checkout this amazing custom converted 80 man 2,000 point Death Rider army for the Death Korps of Krieg that Gothmog made for a local GT!

So I know I have been kinda quet the last few months. I had a Master Thesis to finish (in applied Physics), a cross country move/vacation (23 days CA to VA with a wedding in the middle), bought a house and then painted like a MADMAN for a local GT back in September.

And what did I paint? Well what about 80 Death Riders and a Thunderbolt Fighter (now known as Pegasus)… Yeah I was kinda insane. But I did it. And man was it worth it. I made finalist for Army Appearance (top 14 of 220) and probably placed around 6th or 7th… and I will admit, I still have some detail work to do, so super pleased with these results. I’ll get some better close ups and info on them up in the coming months.

2k List
Outrider Det+1 CP
HQ- Death Rider Squadron Commander- Hotshot Laspistol, Demo Charge, Grenades, Lance, Horse w/ Savage Claws
HQ- Death Rider Squadron Commander- Hotshot Laspistol, Demo Charge, Grenades, Lance, Horse w/ Savage Claws
Elites- Command Squad (4)- Laspitols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Elites- Command Squad (4)- Laspitols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Fast Attack- Death Rider Squadron (10)- Laspistols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Fast Attack- Death Rider Squadron (10)- Laspistols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Fast Attack- Death Rider Squadron (6)- Laspistols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Flyer- Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter- Twin Lascannon, 2 x Twin Autocannons, Tactical Bombs

Outrider Det+1 CP
HQ- Death Rider Squadron Commander- Laspistol, Demo Charge, Grenades, Lance, Horse w/ Savage Claws
HQ- Death Rider Squadron Commander- Laspistol, Demo Charge, Grenades, Lance, Horse w/ Savage Claws
Elites- Command Squad (4)- Laspitols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Elites- Command Squad (4)- Laspitols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Fast Attack- Death Rider Squadron (10)- Laspistols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Fast Attack- Death Rider Squadron (10)- Laspistols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Fast Attack- Death Rider Squadron (10)- Laspistols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Heavy Support- Thunderer Siege Tanks (2)- 2 Tanks ea w/ Demolisher Cannon, HK missile, Heavy Stubber

1k List (for Trios)
Outrider Det+1 CP
HQ- Death Rider Squadron Commander- Plasma Pistol, Demo Charge, Grenades, Lance, Horse w/ Savage Claws
HQ- Death Rider Squadron Commander- Hotshot Laspistol, Demo Charge, Grenades, Lance, Horse w/ Savage Claws
Elites- Command Squad (4)- Laspitols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Elites- Command Squad (4)- Laspitols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Fast Attack- Death Rider Squadron (10)-  1 x Hotshot Laspistol, Laspistols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Fast Attack- Death Rider Squadron (10)-  1 x Hotshot Laspistol, Laspistols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Fast Attack- Death Rider Squadron (10)- Laspistols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Fast Attack- Death Rider Squadron (6)- Laspistols, Grenades, Lances, Horses w/ Savage Claws
Flyer- Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter- Twin Lascannon, 2 x Twin Autocannons

I won my standalone trios game and 2 of my 6 GT games, losing 1 of those by 1 point in a highly contested game vs Tyranids. Had we played more turns than 3 (I know, I know) it could have easily swung back my way.  Tabled by Ynnari 2 times though. But to me the weakness in the list was the 2 Thunderer Siege Tanks.

What do you think of the Death riders army?

Blood_angels_wp_baal_by_voldreth-d49800f-CopySepulchre of Heroes

About the Author: Gothmog

Hobbyist and Gamer since 1999. Blood Angels faithful since the beginning. I am also big into various GW Specialist Games and Historical Wargames. Love the hobby, love the fluff, Grognard for life. @Gotmog_Balrog