Don’t Upset a Wookiee: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | October 19th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

If you upset a Wookiee, you better be ready to death with the consequences. This Destiny deck is focused on Wookiees and their battle prowess!

Chewbacca is one tough Wookiee and it shows on his character dice. In this deck, we will focus on the regular version of CHewie and 2 Wookiee Warrior pals. Let’s get the Wokkie rage going!

Wookiee Warrior is a melee oriented Yellow Hero character that has a healthy 10 life total. 2 melee for a resource, 3 melee for a resource, 1 discard, 1 shield, and 1 resource make for an interesting character die. With 2 of these guys and Chewie all together, a life total of 32 is tough to chew through.

Since the Wookiee warriors have such high melee sides, Disarm seem like a great choice to put into this deck. If you are getting pounded by a Rocket Launcher, spend that 1 resource on Disarm and remove your Wookiee Warrior 3 melee side to discard it! Chewbacca can pitch in too if needed with either his 2 melee or 1-2 ranged sides. A great card to have!

Once your Wookiees start taking damage, its time to activate Battle Rage! If one of your characters has 6 or more damage on it, you may resolve one of its character dice showing melee or ranged and increase its value by 2. This can make the Wookiee Warrior deal up to 5 damage from 1 character die! Just keep a spare resource handy for the resource costs! This could easily work well for Chewie as well if he is getting focused down and has massive damage on him.

At the end of the day, its always a safe bet to Let the Wookiee win. This 1 cost Event allows you to force an opponent to wither deal 2 damage to one of their exhausted characters or remove 2 of their dice. Either way, it won;t be pretty for your opponent.

The Wookiees are known for their loyalty and strength, but also known for their Battle Rage. Beware!

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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