RUMORS: AT-43 Rights Up For Sale?

By James Rodriguez | October 4th, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Warhammer 40k Rumors

at 43There’s a new rumor saying that the rights for the sci-fi pre-painted miniatures game AT-43 is now up for sale. Come find out the latest.

There’s a new rumor that was spotted on Dakka Dakka stating that Cyanide Studio has put the rights to AT-43 up for sale. Don’t forget to add salt,

needs more salt

Nicromancer posted the following:

Back in 2013 I wrote to cyanide studios asking what they were doing with AT-43 .
4 years later i got a reply. Good to see they kept a list of people interested i suppose!
so they are planning to sell the , no idea who too but watch this space I suppose.

Hi Nic,

Almost four years later… It’s decided! We are going to sell our AT-43 assets.


On 23/12/2013 09:20, Nic Evans wrote:
Dear joe,

Thankyou for the prompt’s great to know you have plans for At-43 as I know myself and many others still want to get hold of the many out of production miniatures.
Hope all goes well and look forward to seeing what you do with the game.
Merry Christmas and a happy New year,

Cyanide Contact <> wrote:

Hi Nic,

I’m happy to say (from our point of view) that you have joined a list of
interested parties. We’ll be sorting out the future of AT-43 in early
2014 and we certainly will be getting back to you. A precise date is
difficult, but it will definitely be within the 1st quarter.

Until then “Bonnes fêtes de fin d’année”.


Not a huge rumour I know but with all the buying up and shifting around of IP this year it seems very timely.

For those of you who are not familiar with AT-43 here is short description courtesy of Wikipedia.

at 43

AT-43 is a science fictiontabletop wargame using 28 mm miniature figures and terrain to scale developed and published by the French company Rackham. The game is classified as a platoon/company level game similar to Warhammer 40,000.

Released in December 2006, the game features plastic miniatures of mechs, vehicles and infantry units with corresponding cards showing the stats and gameplay options for each unit type. The game features alternate activation of units (similar to Chess) using the sequenced card mechanic. It also features command resource management (LPs) to enable special unit actions called ‘Combat Drills’.

Unlike many other miniature figure wargames, all of the miniatures are supplied pre-assembled, and pre-painted. The game also provides a few pieces of 3-dimensional scenery, and 2-dimensional game mats to allow player to decide between mission-based objectives, or skirmish-based combat.

AT-43 is now a dead game with no further releases expected.

Currently its company Rackham has been liquidated, but Cyanide Studio has recently acquired the game along with Confrontation another game from Rackham with the potential to make a new game from it just as they did with Confrontation.

AT-43 has been around since 2006, Rackham was the original owner who sold it to Cyanide Studio. And now, if the emails are true, it looks like AT-43 is going up for sale again. This seems like it has been a rough year for miniature companies across the globe, and, if the rumor is true, it’s not looking too good for the future of AT-43.

What do you think about the latest rumor surrounding AT-43? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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