RUMORS: New Citadel Tool Spotted in GW Video?

By James Rodriguez | October 29th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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We noticed something rather interesting in one of the latest painting guides, and it looks like a new way to hold those minis while you paint.

While watching the How to Paint House Escher we noticed Duncan using what looks to be a new tool to help hold your miniatures while you paint. Can you spot it?

Towards the end of the video, in the very last tutorial clip in fact, we get a look at what might be a new GW hobby tool to help aid you with holding your miniatures while you paint.

hobby tool

Are we going to be seeing this tool in an upcoming release?new gw tool

We know Games Workshop likes to hide little hints in their videos and announcements from time to time, but this one was very subtle, and extremely easy to miss.

Are the days of sticky tack and cork going to be a thing of the past? This looks like an amazing tool to help you hold on to your miniatures while you paint.

Miniature holders are nothing new actually, as there has been a very successful Kickstarter recently selling a similar type tool:

miniature holders

There has been no official announcement, or even a hint, of this new tool if that even is what we are looking at. This is the first time we’re ever seeing it and we’re left wondering where, or when, can we get one for ourselves.

What do you think about this new tool? Is it something you would be interested in picking up for yourself? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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