Genestealer Cult & Chaos Coming To Necromunda

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Chaos and Genestealers are coming to Necromunda? Checkout the latest Necromunda news and updates that were revealed during Warhammer Open Day.

There was a lot of content related to the future of Necromunda, upcoming releases, and what you can expect to see next. Garro was attending Warhammer Open Day and putting out all sorts of information from the event a few days later.

So today, we’re going to be taking a look at everything we found out about Necromunda over the weekend and more:

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House orlock for your consideration out very early next year


Also got hive scum for you. These are a collection of hired guns you hire as a group. To help boost the body count for small gangs

Necromunda hired guns

Specialist games will be releasing a second set of gaming tiles alongside Orlocks for necromunda with all new tiles. All the tiles will have special rules reflecting the items on them, from turbines that can drag you in, to open sewers, oil spills, and dark corridors.

The kit will also include an additional set of counters and vision arcs from the main game to help out with games with big gangs or several gangs.

The kit will be coming early next year, and should have it’s resin weapon set released very close to it. Heavy weapons in the box are the heavy stubber and the harpoon cannon.

New background for the gang is they’re in control of the iron mines, but they’re gangs are specialised for protecting and moving cargo. If you want stuff moved, you hire an Orlock gang.

Necromunda Gang War 2

Genestealer Cults and Chaos Cults gang rules, and wargear will be coming to Necromunda early next year, after Orlock and gang war 2.

these will be coming through a pair of White Dwarf articles sometime in the spring (march-may). these will also include various additional wargear which other gangs will be able to take.

regarding the GCults; this version will focus on the mining cults of the ashwastes coming into contact with a genestealer, so will use the Neophyte Hybrids kit as its base. expect to see a larger more detailed cults gang at a later date when they explore hive secondus. but this will help provide an additional two gangs by the beginning of the summer.

don’t have much details on the chaos cults rules, but there are chaos tokens, and a tile with an eight point star in blood in the new expansion set of tiles coming with GW2. so would expect some cult ritual mission of some sort.

will try to get some more details tomorrow so stay tuned.

Necromunda GSC & Chaos Cults

gang war three is mostly written
gang war two will include rules for Orlocks, the new ZM tiles, and rules for hired guns, and hangers on.
bounty hunters are completely custom, having full access to the trading post and about to take up to 5 weapons, and three skills. Hive scum will be a collection of low level add ons who are basically cannon fodder for your gang. 
there will be four hang-ons to start with: cook, scout, doc, and armourer.
escher, Goliath, and orlock will get their resin weapon packs early next year around the same time GW2 comes out.
GW3 will include a massively increased trading post and house armoury lists. Including the vast majority of imperial weapons and wargear.
GW3 will include more specialised missions including one with civilians.
white dwarf will have a 3rd new gang after book 2 launches made up exclusively of bounty hunters. These will have your usual levels of ganger with use of the trading post lists in place of a house list. Gangers will have a level of rareity attached to them

last big bit of Necromunda info for you all. got some more in depth about the Genestealer and chaos cult gang lists coming next year. Will also recap the previous bits of info as well to save questions.

-they’ll both be appearing in White Dwarf.

-both gangs will be based around the existing kits (No new models)

-Genestealer cults (GC) will focus around the neophite-hybrids with a sub-primus leader, and able to take Aberrants in the gangs. they’ll have full access to the entire GC armoury including weapons in the acolytes kits. these weapons should be added to the trading posts lists in the article, but will be in Gang War 3 (GW3) for certain.

-Chaos cults will be god neutral. but will be able to preform a ritual between games, to one of the gods. if successful, your gang gets a buff based on the god, and if it fails, a random member of your gang (other than the leader) turns into a spawn, and remains like it (spawn is added to the gang roster). you get bonuses to the ritual roll, if you stick to the same god, and get negative modifers if you chop and change.

-both gangs will have full gang rules, and access to trading posts .etc so will be able to include other non-faction gear as campaigns go on.

-both factions will have a low-power psyker option.

Necromunda Underhive Wal Hor

Plus here’s the quarterly release lineup that GW was promoting at Open Day over the weekend:

Gangs will be released roughly once per quarter starting with Orlocks in February of 2018, in better Special Character releases (Similar to Blood Bowl).

  • Q1: Orlocks
  • Q2: Van Saar
  • Q3: Cawdor
  • Q4: Delaque

So overall looks like the Underhive will be getting at least FOUR new gangs in 2018 starting in February with the Orlocks, plus tons of splash expansions as well. Also don’t forget there are free PDF rules for a few of these gangs above on the Necromunda Site

necromunda art escher

It looks like Games Workshop doesn’t have any plans of slowing down on the Necromunda releases any time soon. They have already given us a look at the cover of Gang Wars II with the announcement that they’re almost done with Gang Wars III.

We’re going to be getting access to even more board tiles, starting with the Badzone Delta-7 release. House Orlock and Hired Guns looks like they’re going to be the next gang releases, with Genestealer Cults and Chaos Cultist shortly behind them. However, Genestealer Cult and Chaos Cultist will be based around existing kits and won’t be getting new minis.

Warhammer Open Day shed a lot of light on Games Workshop’s plans for the future of Necromunda, and we’re glad to see them putting forth as much effort as they are to keep it around for a while.

What do you think about the latest Necromunda news? Are you looking forward to anything in particular? Let us know in the comments below.


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