GW Reveals Model, & Points Changes to 8th Matched Play

By Rob Baer | November 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

hor of space marine and chaos

Games Workshop just revealed more upcoming changes to matched play that will be appearing in the new Chapter Approved supplement.

GW just dropped yet another teaser for the upcoming Chapter Approved that will be out shortly.

Let’s take a look at what they have to say about some of the most played units out there, as well as what may be changing unit wise for Forge World as well. We’re looking at you Malefic lord!

chapter approved 2017

This year’s Chapter Approved is, in short, an essential update for all matched play fans.

First, there are a few changes to the core rules of Warhammer 40,000 specific to matched play. We’ve previewed a couple of these, but to remind you: Boots on the Ground means that no Flyers can score points, while Troops in every army now have priority over other non-Troops units when scoring objectives.

Additionally, Command re-rolls can no longer be used to affect Mission dice rolls. These are rolls that are used to determine who gets the first turn, whether the game continues after turn 5, and so on. Understrength units can only be taken in Auxiliary Support Detachments, while the rules on targeting characters have received a very slight change in order to prevent, for want of a better word, shenanigans involving line of sight manipulation.

These points changes are designed to make every option feel more viable. Several popular characters, like Saint Celestine, Belisarius Cawl, and Roboute Guilliman, have increased in points, while some oft-overlooked options have received a reduction, making them much more tempting. Plague Marines, for example, now cost fewer points in both the Death Guard and the Chaos Space Marines army – if you’ve been looking for an excuse to pick up this awesome kit, now’s your chance!

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We know people love using their Forge World models in Warhammer 40,000 – after all, they’re awesome. Certain units, however, were crowding out other options and, as such, some have seen an increase, while others are now much more viable options. Among the most significant changes is to Malefic Lords; these masters of malevolent magics are now 80 points – still a very competitive HQ choice for any aspiring Chaos champion, but less open to abuse by less scrupulous players.


On the other hand, certain units, such as the Sicaran Venator, have seen enormous points discounts (we’re talking in the neighbourhood of 100 or more!), meaning there are all sorts of new tactical possibilities out there for cunning generals.

Oh my that escalated quickly. First off the Maelific Lord is going from 30 to 80 points! Now the primaris psyker for guard is 40 points on the nose when compared to the old 30 point Malefic lord’s cost, so I wonder if we’ll see a points change there as well.

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Also looks in addition to Plague Marines, the Gork / Morkanaut as well as the Death Jester will both be getting a points reduction as well as many other “stale” units play-wise.

While I for one welcome the hopeful resurgence of Plague Marines on the tabletop, will the fact that six months after buying a $60 rulebook, we are now being asked to pay $40 for changes to said rules put a dampener on sales of Chapter Approved?

Check back in with us tomorrow when Games Workshop goes over more of the changes from the new supplement.

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