GW Reveals Dark Angels Codex Datasheets & More

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Come see all the new rules, datasheets and more that Games Workshop just revealed for the Dark Angels codex that is going on pre-order tomorrow!

Warhammer Community’s Ceri sits down with Rhu on Warhammer TV to preview some awesome options from the upcoming Dark Angels Codex.

Ravenwing gets a Talonmaster, who has a land speeder, weapon skill 2+, and several great abilities including buffs to both Ravenwing and Dark Angels keywords.

ravenwing preview

As well, Sammael was previewed, giving some great abilities and has several different options for equipping. The Sammael in Sableclaw was previewed as options, giving rerolls to failed hit rolls for Ravenwing within 6″ and re-rolls of hit rolls of 1 for friendly Dark Angels within 6″.

sammael previewDeathwing got a few previews, including a Master in Cataphractii Armour. This model is fantastic, offers re-rolls of hit rolls of 1 for Dark Angels within 6″, and has some killer stats.

master in cata armour previewDeathwing also gets Terminators in Cataphractii Armour that has different wargear options, and the Inner Circle ability. Deathwing Terminators also have access to Tartarus Armour.

deathwing termis in cata previewdeathwing termis in cata abilities previewThe Dark Angels will also get a Storm Raven as a flying transport, giving them a 14 wound, 3+ save, toughness 7 transport with a ton of different guns. It carries 10 infantry in the front, and a dreadnought in the back, including the Contemptor Dreadnought…another new addition to the Dark Angels ranks.

Stratagems, several neat ones were previewed. The Lion and the Wolf was discussed again, being the first Dark Angel stratagem previewed from the codex. The three current ones give some great views to what else can be added.

speed of raven strata previewweapons from dark age strata previewinner circle stratagem preview

The stratagem Inner Circle and the ability Inner Circle, which character models have, are completely different. The ability Inner Circle grants an auto-pass for morale and re-roll failed hit rolls against a Fallen Unit. The stratagem above grants keyword Deathwing and ability Inner Circle.

Two other stratagems were discussed. Deathwing Assault, for 2CP, allows the Deathwing to immediately make a shooting attack.

A few psyker abilities to keep an eye on as well. Mind Wipe, for instance, can be targeted against character models such as Guilliman.

mind wipe previewtrephination previewSome relics available include: Eye of the Unseen gives enemy units within 3″ of the bearer, subtract 1 from the leadership and, if that enemy is a character, they cannot fight until everyone else has fought in the combat phase. The Shroud of Heroes causes enemies to subtract 1 from hit rolls targeting the bearer.

Warlord traits include: Huntsman, giving the warlord the ability to fire pistols, grenades, assault, and rapid fire weapons at characters, even if they are not the closest enemy unit. The Master of Maneuver grants any friendly Dark Angels units within 6″ of the warlord get re-rolls to charge or Advance.

Finally, points changes. There will be some points changes from the Index prices. Azmodai is 130 points, Azrael is 180 points, Belial is 150 points, Exekiel is 135 points, and both Sammael’s points remain the same at 216 in the Sableclaw and 183 on Corvex. A few other points were changed in the Codex as well, but none others previewed in terms of numbers.

The Fortress of Redemption is in both Chapter Approved and the Index, not in the Codex. Otherwise, just about everything you need to play a Dark Angels army is in the Codex.