New Sly Marbo Spotted In GW Store

Imperial Guard Catachan Wal Hor

Sly Marbo is due to release in less than a week, and today we’re getting a look at the box he’ll be coming in. You’re not going to want to miss this.

Sly Marbo is only going to be available in Games Workshop and Warhammer stores in the UK on Boxing Day, December 26th. Well, it looks like one such store has already started getting their stock in because today we’re getting a look at the box that was spotted over on Twitter courtesy of Amoeba_Bait.

Editor’s note: the signage and wall shelves in the background seem to indicate this image was taken in a Games Workshop Store

Sly Marbo Front Sly Marbo Back

The front of the box definitely has the Guard look about it, but the back of the box is where you get a little entertainment value with a full transmission talking about the type of soldier Sly Marbo is, and eventually recommending that he be approved for deployment.

Expertly Designed resin Citadel Miniature.

Looks like the rumors of this being resin were correct after all as well.

marbo resin not plastic

We recently saw another rumor via Faeit212 that we are hoping is true. Since most of us will not be able to pick up Sly Marbo on Boxing Day, there just might be hope in the first quarter of 2018. A reader commented:

“Sly Marbo is said to come Q1 2018. Know it from mail order and store.”

Take that rumor with a bit of salt and try not to get your hopes up. For those that are in the UK and Ireland on Boxing Day, check out the information below and good hunting!

catachans - Copy

Warhammer Coventry just announced that Sly Marbo is only going to be available for one day and one day only, then it’s back to hiding for him. Let’s take a look at what they had to say.

So Sly you won’t be able to find him on the webstore….
So Sly you won’t be able to find him in any independent stockists…
The only place you will be able to find him is in Warhammer and Games Workshop stores this Boxing Day!

Sly Marbo

Sly Marbo will be available on Boxing Day, a national holiday in the UK and Ireland, which takes place on December 26th. But then he goes away again, making another appearance later 2018. If you’ve been waiting to get your hands on this new miniature you’re not going to want to wait. He will only be available at Warhammer and Games Workshop stores with limited quantities.

No word yet on how you can get him here in the States or in other areas of the world as of right now besides, of course, eBay.

Are you planning on getting Sly Marbo? Do you already have one reserved? Do you think he’ll make a full release to the rest of the world in 2018? Let us know in the comments below.

santa kharn

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