Top 5 Codices We Would Like To See Next

By Rob Baer | December 28th, 2017 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News

8th edition codexToday we’re going to be taking a look at the next 5 codecies we would like to see after the Daemons release. Come check it out.

With Games Workshop releasing a lot of codecies in such a short period of time we’re left wondering what’s next. Heck I secretly wonder what’s coming in 2019 after all these 11 factions have hit the shelves.

More Expansions, Triumvirates, or splash releases and MKII updates for books? Sky is the limit, and we all know by now it’s only crazy in GW’s eyes if it doesn’t sell right?

11 Factions Chapter Approved11 down, 11 to go according to Chapter Approved

Well, here’s what I would like to see for the next five codex releases in their order of publication:



tau fire warrior hor wal

Tau got the shaft pretty hard so far in 8th, but they have a ton of potential to be awesome again. They are already strong at the infiltrate game, and thus their fusions make a mess of anything they point at currently, they just need a little tweaking to get them back in the game and on tabletops everywhere.


knight wal hor

The coolest looking model out there besides the Dreadnought, we’ve traditionally see GW update these bad boys in the Spring. Currently were waiting on the non Mechanicum house rules for these guys like Terryn, Freeblades, etc.

Maybe we’ll even see the renegade rules get bundled up in a new book for them as well.


ork bike

Oh come on how the heck did we forget about the good guys of the Galaxy, har har har. According to their fluff the Orks never lose even!

Their rules update in Chapter Approved helped, but we’re a ways from seeing them in large number on the competitive scene yet. We know there are tons of Ork fanatics out there, just waiting for the 8th Edition Waaagh! call to starting pounding ‘omies again!

These guys even have the potential to by played a number of ways from Green Tide infantry, to Kan /Armor wall, and even faster moving bikes / Koptas spam. Again they just need a few tweaks to crank them up to an 11 and beyond.


Necron Wal Hor

Necrons are great in this edition sure, but again just a few more tweaks like some overlapping rules for things besides Infantry and I think we’ll see them come back in droves. Don’t over look the Forge World tech for them either, those pylons make things go boom quick!


harlequin eldar hor wal

These guys have had an up and down ride when it comes to the Ynnari update, but they are still viable with their allies. A book that gives them the rules they need to wave off those other pointy eared friends may just be what the beats lab ordered for this faction.  Getting in fast, but with enough left to do some damage has always been their hallmark, however the enough left part is what they are lacking currently as a stand alone force.

What do you think about our Top 5 choices for codices? What would your top choices be, and why? Let us know in the comments below.

Barclay Nurgle Wrapper

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