Genestealer Cults Gang Necromunda Rules Revealed

Genestealer CultGenestealer Cults and Necromunda fans, you’re not going to want to miss the latest rules reveal from next month’s White Dwarf. Come take a look.

People are starting to get the new White Dwarf delivered to their doorsteps, and the previews are in full force. Today, we’re going to be taking a look at the full rules reveal for the Genestealer Cults in Necromunda courtesy of The Death Jungle.

GSC Rules

The Adepts are going to be getting access to four abilities: Familiar, Hypnosis, Unbreakable Will, and Zealot. The Familiar can be taken twice and will allow the Adept to take up to two Familiars with them that have a 4″ Move, 5+ WS, Strength 2, Toughness 2, 1 Wound, 1 Attack, and a 2+ Initiative.

GSC Rules

Now it’s time to start building that list. Fighters are going to cost you 120 Credits, D-2 Hybrid Acolytes are 85 Credits each, D-2 Aberrants 90 Credits each, and 1 or more Neophyte Hybrids will cost you 45 Credits each.

GSC Rules

The White Dwarf is also giving us a look at the wide range of weaponry that the Genestealer Cults are going to have access to and how much they’re going to cost to add to your army. Just below that, we’re getting a look at the weapon profiles for the ranged weapons, close combat weapons, and they’re even getting access to two grenades.

GSC Rules

This page is breaking down the new weapon traits and special rules for the wargear. Extra Arm looks like it’s going to be a fun one to play with, making an unwieldy gun a Basic action instead of a Double action, or you can choose to take an extra attack in close combat with a fighting knife instead of any other weapon that fighter might be carrying.

The Genestealer Cults are really looking good in Necromunda, and we can’t wait to give them try. With the White Dwarf making its way to mailboxes around the world we’re sure to see even more reveals than we’ve already seen. Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates.

Are you going to be making a Genestealer Cults army? What do you like the most about them?

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