GW Previews More Daughters of Khaine Rules

By James Rodriguez | February 23rd, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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More previews of the upcoming Daughters of Khaine battletome are here. Come check out the latest rules preview for Age of Sigmar.

The new Daughters of Khaine battletome is on its way, and this week Games Workshop is giving us previews of what we’ll be seeing inside the covers. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about the Daughters of Khaine and some of their new rules.

The Mortal Realms are rich with magical power, but few possess the strength of will to harness it. The Daughters of Khaine are children of two ancient traditions – the bloody cults and (seemingly) god-given power of Khaine and the dark magics of Ulgu, the Realm of Shadows. In the new battletome, you’ll be able to harness both to their full effect with two new tables for your Priests and Wizards to draw from. Combined, you’ll have a dizzying range of tactical options available, allowing you to harness the power of your units and unleash all manner of devious tricks upon your foes.

Firstly, the Lore of Shadows. We’ve taken a closer look at the unstable arts of Chaos and the wild magics of Destruction in previous battletomes, and while shadow magic is a little more subtle than these, it’s no less powerful, allowing the canny player to deceive their foes and enhance the power of their own units – or even unleash the dreaded Pit of Shades…

AoS KhaineMindrazor

Mindrazor is going to be a new spell that has a casting value of 7, and if successful you’ll pick a friendly Daughters of Khaine unit within 18″. That unit’s rend characteristic, and Damage characteristic of their melee weapons will be increased by 1 until the start of your next hero phase.

AoS Khaine Withering

The Withering has a casting value of 7 and you’ll pick a visible enemy unit within 18″ of the caster. You’ll get a +1 to wound rolls for attacks that target that unit until the start of your next hero phase.

AoS Khaine Pit Of Shades

Pit of Shadows is also going to have a casting value of 7, and, if successful, you’ll pick a visible enemy unit within 18″ of the caster. You’ll roll 2D6, total them, and the enemy unit will suffer a mortal wound for any value that exceeds their Move characteristic.

AoS Khaine Sacrifice

Martyr’s Sacrifice is going to let you pick a friendly Daughters of Khaine unit within 14″ of the priest casting. Every time a model from that unit is slain in the combat phase, you’ll roll a dice, on a 5+ the attacking unit will suffer 1 mortal wound after it has finished making all of its attacks. This effect will last until the start of your next hero phase.

AoS Khaine Blessing Khaine

With Blessing of Khaine, you’ll pick a friendly Daughters of Khaine unit within 14″ of the priest casting it. They can then re-roll failed Fanatical Faith rolls for that unit until the start of your next hero phase. Fanatical faith is an ability that lets you roll a dice each time a wound or mortal wound is allocated to a friendly Daughters of Khaine models and ignore the wound on a 6+. So you can imagine that having the ability to re-roll those attempts are really going to come in handy.

All in all this preview is making the Daughters of Khaine look extremely intimidating on the tabletop. The Khinerai look to have some really nice rules and a force to be reckoned with on the tabletop.

Make sure you check back in with us Monday when we get another in-depth preview of the Daughters of Khaine and more of their rules.

What do you think about the latest preview for the Daughters of Khaine? Are you planning on playing this army?

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