RUMOR: T’au Release Date & Prices Revealed

By James Rodriguez | February 23rd, 2018 | Categories: Tau, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

tau fire warrior hor walToday we’re getting a look at a new rumor that just popped up claiming to be the release date and prices for the upcoming T’au faction.

A new rumor floating around claims to be from the March White Dwarf and it’s showing us the release date and prices for next month’s T’au releases. Let’s take a look at what Heimmenrich on Warhammer Forum had to say.

This is just a rumor, for now, so don’t forget to add salt.


Original text translated with Google Translate.

Hello everyone.
Having the white dwarf in front of you here are the prices and release date for the T’Au:
– Codex 32.5 € available on 17 March (pre-order 10)
– Codex collector € 65 available on March 17 (pre-order on March 10)
– technical maps: T’Au Empire 12.5 € available on March 17 (pre-order on March 10).
It is strange that the White Dwarf gives no exit after March 17 for that month.

So, if the rumor is in fact from March’s White Dwarf, it looks like we’ll be seeing the T’au Codex, Collectors Edition Codex, and technical maps (datacards?) coming out on March 17th, with a pre-order date of March 10th.

Once again, this is only a rumor for now, so take it as you will.

What do you think about the latest rumor of the T’au releases starting March 17th? Shortly after is Adepticon. Could that have anything to do with why the White Dwarf isn’t showing anything for after March 17th? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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