RUMORS: 4 New Imperial Knights??

knight titan wal hor

A new rumor has just arrived claiming there will be four new Imperial Knights on the way alongside the upcoming codex. You’re not going to want to miss this!

The new rumor courtesy of hermanista on Bolter and Chainsword is claiming there are four new Imperial Knights due to drop with the new codex. Now please remember that this is just a rumor, and make sure you add plenty of salt.

salt pile

Praise the Omnissiah!

As I invoke the sacred texts and raise the memory banks… there are 4 knight boxes coming.

The Amiger Warblade we’ve seen
There’s something I think called a “Helliger” <spelling mistake is possible>

There’s a Castellan
And another one that I think was called a Valiant which again may be the wrong name but is similar.

I think I saw they will rerelease Imperial Knight Renegade

And then you have a codex, datacards and I think dice, but don’t quote me on that last bit.

It’s a great time to be a Knight Senschal


imperial knight lineup

Current Lineup of Imperial Knights

In a separate post we have:

I think the amiger/helliger are separate boxes, but only a few weeks apart.

Same for the Castellan/Valiant.

But again, I’m extrapolating from a quick look at a release schedule.

So we’ll see.

As I said elsewhere, I think we’ll see the amiger/s in the box set and the Knight army release later

Four new Imperial Knights would definitely be a pleasure to see for Warhammer fans. But can this rumor be trusted? Or is it just someone’s wishful thinking?

We’ve already seen the smaller, possible dreadknight sized, Knight Armiger previewed during the Las Vegas Open last month.

admech titanSmaller than their cousins and crewed by aspiring nobles, low-born commoners with a knack for war, or even the bastard children of Barons and High Kings, Armigers hunt and fight at the flanks of their larger kin. Knight Armigers will open up new tactical possibilities for Imperial Knights players, like a medieval lord hunting with his hounds, benefiting from a wider range of army build

11 codex jan

Overall it looks like this will be the year of the Xenos and Imperial Knights, as out of the remaining eleven 40k factions, they will have rules supplements first in 2018 and the rest “will be done this year”.

Keep in mind though they said done, not out, so while they could have everything finished, there’s still that chance we won’t see certain factions released until next year.

From the order of things previewed one could conclude that these next three codex books. along with the Imperial Knights, could take us right to the end of spring, release-wise, with Orks rumored to be on the way this summer already.

What do you think about the latest Imperial Knight rumor? Are you interested in more Knight models?

xenos codex

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