RUMORS: GW Golden Tickets, Games Day Returning To US

gw mall store hor

Games Day looks set to return to the US, and it may not be “open to the public”. Plus the new home of Warhammer Cafe, and official GW Grand Tournaments: OH MY! 

While confirmations for the new Warhammer Cafe didn’t take long to start, multiple sources across the land have confirmed the following information. However, these are still currently rumors please treat them as such.

Lutherniel artist Khorne Chaos

Warhammer Cafe North America will be located in Dallas, Texas in the United States.

It’s going to be a large hobby bunker with 12+ tables, food, drinks, and more.

There’s also going to be a new event starting as soon as this Fall, from some reports, called Warhammer Expo which will be a miniature version of a Games Day, but with a weekender / open type feel.

Warhammer Expo will also take place in Dallas, VIP tickets are going to be “invite only” based on a store to store basis (think Golden Ticket status but with a twist). These VIP tickets will be given to the hobby “outriders” that help get others into the hobby.

The Expo will also be used to bring back official GT style events (such as 40k, and AoS) like they do in Europe to America

The new store is rumored to be operational around the Fall of this year as well.

It didn’t take long for the folks that have known about this to start letting us know more as soon as the announcement was made.

We’re really excited to see a Warhammer location like this opening in North America, and we can’t wait to find out more. Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates, we’ll be putting them out as soon as we get them.

warhammer cafe

These rumors are coming shortly after the announcement we saw earlier this week. Here’s our thoughts about the new Warhammer Cafe.

Mmmmm coffee….. Mmmmm Warhammer… Mmmmm bbeerrrr… Oh, wait, a cafe, not a bar. But none the less, something I’m looking forward to seeing more of. This is one of the best ideas Games Workshop has come up with, and it’s about time we’re seeing something like Nottingham’s Bugman’s Bar coming stateside.


While this looks like an amazing place to sit down, grab a bite to eat, and talk about Warhammer, there’s no actual place to play. Well, according to Games Workshop the Warhammer Cafe will provide the perfect place to do all of the above.

Much more than just a store, the Warhammer Cafe will have a larger footprint, allowing for more gaming tables and enough space to run special events and activities. What’s more, you’ll be able to hang out and fuel your gaming and painting sessions with some tasty snacks and top-notch beverages.

The Warhammer Cafe will also act as a hub for the Warhammer hobby in North America, hosting guests from the Design Studio and a series of unique displays of Citadel miniatures. We (the Warhammer TV and Community teams) are super excited to check out the cafe, and you can bet we’ll be swinging by to help support the venue and report on the quality of the coffee.

The only thing that worries me about their “tasty snacks” is I’ve seen pictures of the Bugman’s Challenge, and to be honest that burger is what most North Americans would call an appetizer. It doesn’t even come close to a burger slapped in the middle of two personal pan pizzas! Now that’s the challenge I want to see!

Pizza Burger

It’s alright, I know you just got hungry, you’re welcome. Take a break, grab something to eat, then come back and finish reading.

Top-notch beverages? My mouth is salivating at the idea that I’ll be able to someday grab a bite to eat and something to drink without having to leave the store I’m playing in. No matter what you do though, just make sure you clean your hands before touching your minis after you eat, I can see a lot of “Sticky Joes” in the near future.

Sticky Joe

For now, the location that will be getting the new Warhammer Cafe is still a mystery, all Games Workshop revealed was that it is coming to North America, and the ink on the lease is dry. That didn’t narrow it down at all… We can assume that it will most likely be in the United States because of the number of players and hobbyist spread throughout, and they will most likely want to open it in an easy to navigate location for most travelers. Which brings me to a couple different options… GW’s North American Distribution Center is in Memphis, Tennesee which could be one option, but not necessarily a primary hub for travelers.

warhammer statue hq gw

Games Workshop World of Battle: 6211 E Holmes Rd Memphis, Tennessee 38141

We have the Maryland/Washington D.C area which is easy to travel to, but that’s completely on the east coast, and Games Workshop could miss out on a lot of visitors from the west coast due to travel times. Which brings me to my guess of Dallas, Texas! Why Dallas? It’s the home of Dallas Fort Worth International Airport making it easy for people worldwide to travel to, it’s a pretty central location for visitors from the east and west coasts, and it has a big population of gamers, and potential gamers.

Is this cafe idea going to make Warhammer a little more mainstream? Absolutely! But why is that a bad thing? Mainstream means more players, more hobbyists, and bigger communities. I’ve been seeing a select few saying a more mainstream Warhammer isn’t what they want, but without growth, our game will surely die. I truly am looking forward to hearing more about the first Warhammer Cafe in North America, and the plans to open more.

What are your thoughts on the new Warhammer Cafe? Where do you think it will be opening? Let us know in the comments below.

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