Learn to Play Star Wars Legion: Full Demo Report

By Rob Baer | March 28th, 2018 | Categories: Battle Reports, Star Wars Legion, Videos

Star Wars Legion Wal Hor

Star Wars Legion is here! Cone learn the hot new miniatures wargame from Fantasy Flight Games with our full demo bat rep featuring Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader.

Using the Learn to Play demo game from the rulebook we have the Rebel Alliance being fielded in the blue zone and the Imperial Empire forces in the red zone. Fantasy Flight Games does a fantastic job with the learn to play demos, showing exactly where all the terrain goes on the field, as well as the character models.

Juice will be leading the Rebel Alliance into battle, sending Luke Skywalker into battle against the forces of the Empire. Tim is the mastermind behind the Imperial forces for this battle, sending Darth Vader into battle against the rebel troops.

star wars legion learn to play demo

In the Command Phase, the command cards are picked in secret and played at the same time. The card with the lowest number of indicators or pips in the top left corner gets to go first. Each card shows how many units that player gets to activate during the random activation turn. If you activate them in the Command Phase, they are not random.

Otherwise, the tokens are shuffled and placed to the side, giving a random activation of a unit to issue orders to. Some command cards get to go back into your hand, others are immediately discarded after use.

storm troopers demo game

Tim gets to go first in this turn, activating one unit of Stormtroopers and Darth Vader himself by issuing an order token for each unit. He decides to move a unit up to the barricades. To move troops, measure from the sergeant to the location you are going then no need to measure movement for the other members of that unit.

They need to be placed within one range of that sergeant, indicated by movement templates. For his second action for that unit, he assigns them a dodge token. Juice decides to double move Luke. Moving is the only action you can double in a turn. To counter, Tim uses his next activation to move Vader up and assigns him dodge.

star wars legion demo game ltp

Juice gets a random order token to activate next, getting to activate one of his troops. His troop moves and then fires upon Darth Vader. Vader uses his deflect ability to evade two of the four attacks and takes two damage. Since he did not roll a surge on the defending dice, he does not get to reflect the damage back to his opponent, which is one of his abilities.

Tim moves his jet bikes next, which have a required movement move. They need to be in the same orientation when they land. Even though they are required to move, they still get two actions. The first action was to get aim, re-rolling two shooting dice. They fire on Luke, hitting him five times. Luke ends up taking two damage. Juice gets to activate the AT-RT, aiming and firing at Vader and doing one damage against him. Tim moves the last unit of troopers.

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In the final phase, the cleanup, any random tokens and all orders are removed from the board. The counter is moved to indicate turn two, and the game continues from the command phase once more. Command cards are decided, orders are passed out, and activations are begun once again.

This demo setup is included in the starter box for Star Wars: Legion. For more Star Wars games, head over to Fantasy Flight Games. Stay tuned for even more Legion content, and be sure to check out the full battle report by pressing play on the video below!