New Black Library: Mercy & Carcharodons Outer Dark

Sisters of Battle Cover Img

Even more great books like Carcharodons: Outer Dark and Mercy are now on for pre-order.  Come see what’s new this week on the lore side of things from the Black Library.

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with these new titles:

Carcharodons: Outer Dark: $27

Carcharodon Outer Dark HB

A Carcharodons novel

With tyranid hive fleets approaching, the Carcharodons make a stand on the world of Piety V. If they can stop the xenos here, they will be able to end the menace before it begins.

The most inhuman and brutal Chapter of Space Marines get a first hand look at the common people they fight to protect, and the results are surprising.

Mercy (EBook): $4.99



An Adepta Sororitas story

Called to a distant world to solve a mystery that could link to the history of her order, Sister Superior Augusta contends with orks as well as her own hopes…

It sheds light on the Sisters of Battle from a different angle, and explores their relationship to their history, as well as their interactions with the Missionaries of the Imperial Church.


Sister Superior Augusta of the Order of the Bloody Rose has been called to a planet in the far reaches of the Imperium, a world where no Imperial foot has stepped in thousands of year, save a missionary sent to bring the Emperor’s light to the natives. On the world is a cathedral, ancient and run down – but with an icon at its heart, a warrior-woman with a bloodied rose on her chest. Is this a symbol that Saint Mina, founder of the Order, once walked on this world? Augusta is determined to find out…

Written by Danie Ware

These upcoming releases are going to be a must for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today from The Black Library and check back next week for the latest new titles.