Warhammer World DIY Idea For Your Display Case

titan family class

Warhammer World dioramas are some of the most remarkable displays we’ve ever seen. Now, they’re giving us one great idea to make our display cases just as impressive.

The Warhammer World team had to come up with an idea for a backdrop for their Titan models display that looked good, and yet the models still needed to be removable. Enter the idea of a backdrop that you can actually do at home for your display case.

titan cabinet back drop

The backdrop is simply two pieces of wood joined to make an L shaped floor and wall, which has then been covered in parts of Citadel Scenery kit and Realm of Battle tiles, to look like an Imperial Hangar. Because of the size of the cabinet, this backdrop has been made in two sections, but designed to look like a continual run. With Chaos Titans at one end, you can see where the followers of Chaos have started to cover up the Imperial iconography!

titan cabinet back drop

Got a display case at home? Or even a shelf of miniatures? How about trying something like this to put your own miniatures in a dramatic setting? Many DIY centers will happily cut wood to size if you buy it from them, then you just need to screw them together, and go crazy, from just painting a background, through to adding scenery kits.

Suddenly your miniatures shelf above your desk can become a whole rearrangeable diorama!

titan cabinet back drop

Though it might cost you a few extra hobby dollars, this would be a great way to show off your miniatures in an exciting new way. With just a couple pieces of wood, some terrain pieces, and some hard work, you could have a Warhammer World worthy display case of your very own.

titan cabinet back drop

If this is something you’re planning on doing, or if you already have a backdrop for your case, we’d love to see the pictures.

Head on over to Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook page and let’s see those cases!