GW Teases 13 New Deathwatch Traits & Stratagems

deathwatch cover wal hor

13 new Deathwatch warlord traits and stratagems have been teased by GW and they are adding a dangerous edge to the army that has folks taking note for sure. Come see the latest.

Games Workshop’s new previews for the Deathwatch Codex are looking pretty spicy if you happen to be a dirty Xenos.

Warlord Trait:

First off the Lord of Hidden Knowledge is quite powerful because it allows you to get a free dice re-roll for your warlord without burning up a command point. In addition, you have the chance to regain those lost command points when you use a stratagem on a 5+.

This seems to be a modified Puretide engram neurochip signature system for Tau.

Deathwatch Warlord Trait

Curious about what more of the Deathwatch Stratagems will look like?

Xenos Doctrine Stratagems:

Deathwatch StratagemTargeting Scramblers has insane power for just one command point. Being downrange from a Tau gun-line player using markerlight spam to maximize the result of his shooting phase can be neutered by the targeting scramblers.

Tau players think twice before using the uplinked markerlight stratagem.


Deathwatch StratagemIntercepting Volley seems to be a pseudo-Auspex Scan stratagem for space marines. However, this has a bit more flexibility as they Aeldari simply have to move rather than arriving from deep strike.

Definitely a solid stratagem against such a mobile army.

Deathwatch StratagemSynaptic severance gives a Deathwatch kill team a whole new area of lethality being able to target a synaptic character for Tyranids. Having the ability to take out a synapse character hiding behind an annoying unit of gaunts is huge as you can easily force a morale check on any other unit that was being held together by synapse.

Deathwatch StratagemThere is a definite need for stemming the green tide in 8th edition. As this edition favors horde armies, Ork Boyz in melee combat can devastate just about anything on the ground.



Orks are not known for their armor save so the Deathwatch player can feel pretty confident giving a few more inches of charging distance to the Orks.


Deathwatch StratagemMaking a Cryptek reanimate on a 5+ again? Yes, please! In the event that you do not kill a pesky Necron squad, you can use the overkill stratagem as added security to make the enemy unit stay down for good.


Doctrine Stratagems:

Now we have a new set of Doctrine Stratagems that coincide with the Doctrine Tactics released earlier this week. The Furor Doctrine allows the Deathwatch unit to add 1 to the wound rolls effectively making them ranged Blood Angels for one volley.

When paired with the Furor Tactic allowing them to re-roll wound rolls of 1 is remarkable.

Deathwatch Stratagem

Deathwatch will be coming in strong upon the release of their codex in weeks to come. To stay updated keep a close eye on future posts.

Missed the Deathwatch post from earlier this week? We got you covered with the latest, below:

deathwatch aggressors

Deathwatch and Primaris are a hot topic these days. GW previewed a few builds that you can use to upgrade your Deathwatch with Primaris and pics of their new models.

GW gave us a new look at a few ways to incorporate some hard-hitting Primaris action into your kill teams, and some of their new models on the primaris side of things:

deathwatch primaris models

deathwatch primaris models deathwatch primaris models

Here are a few ways to incorporate some Deathwatch kill team builds into your current army that GW featured in their big reveal today.

Close Assault Specialists

6x Intercessors with bolt rifles
1x Inceptor with assault bolters
2x Aggressors with flamestorm gauntlets
1x Reivers with bolt carbine

Reivers DW

This build is a hard-hitting up close and personal force that focuses more on getting face to face and laying down some punishing firepower.


5x Intercessors with 4x stalker bolt rifles and 1x grenade launcher
4x Hellblasters with heavy plasma incinerators
1x Aggressor with auto boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launcher

Hellblasters DW

This build is on the other side of the spectrum focusing more on hanging back, grabbing objectives and punishing your opponent from a distance while progressively earning you the win.

Assault Firebase

5x Intercessors with auto bolt rifles
3x Hellblasters with assault plasma incinerators
1x Aggressor with flamestorm gauntlets
1 x Inceptor with two plasma exterminators

Agressors DW

Last but not least we have a solid mid-range build. With the Aggressors making your opponent think twice about coming to close while the Inceptors allow you to retreat and deal damage if assaulted.

These are a few solid ways to incorporate some new Deathwatch into your 40k game, and all will benefit from their new mission tactics ability that was revealed yesterday:

The Mission Tactics ability allows the Deathwatch to adjust their fighting style dependent on your opponent. At the start of the game, you’ll get to pick a Mission Tactic which corresponds to a Battlefield Role – Troops, Fast Attack, Elites, etc. – and your entire army will gain re-rolls of 1s to wound against that unit. Like Chapter Tactics, Mission Tactics applies to all your infantry, Bikers and Dreadnoughts, so you’ll be able to take advantage of a wide range of units.

Deathwatch Mission Tactics

Look for codex Deathwatch to make a splash soon with awesome new minis and tactics! What else would you like to see from the Deathwatch in their new codex after the latest previews?

next 3 codex books

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