Top 3 Secret 40k Units to Always Purchase!

By Jack Stover | September 18th, 2018 | Categories: Editorials, jstove, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News

draigo spire of madness lore

Don’t miss this list of the “secret” top 3 40k units you should always be looking to purchase when it comes to buying, trading, or just cruising eBay.

Do you like deals? You can never go wrong picking up these three units when you see them to score some phat dealz down the road when it comes time to trade.

Rippy Boys

ripper swarm

Tyranid ripper swarms are actually made of solid gold. They’re a 33-point troop unit, and when it comes to filling battalions, that’s a hot deal for ‘nid players and their cult buddies. The only problem with ripper swarms is that you can’t buy them. They come 1 base to a box in termagant boxes, and you need 3 for a minimum sized unit. That means that they’re actually secretly one of the most expensive units in the game- It costs $90 worth of termagants to make one minimum sized unit of ripper swarm bases!

As a Tyranid player, you should never pass over any opportunity to pick up ripper swarms, because you’ll always need a handful to fill up troop slots if you hit your fill of Gaunts.


cultist chaos

Cultists, like rippers, are a secretly-expensive filler troop unit that you can’t have enough of. Unfortunately, in their wisdom, GW decided it was appropriate to throw 20 of them in the Dark Vengeance box and bleed off the rest of them for 15 bucks for 5 models to a box. That’s a pretty crappy way to collect some cultists! (Pox walkers are just as bad). Pounce on these guys whenever you can get them. If you ever see a salty chaos player whining, ask him for his stuff. But don’t take his marines first, they’re crap. Take his cultists!

Black Reach Boyz

The most precious thing in the world to a horde army player is cheap, numerous, and easy to build troops. That’s why snap-fit Black Reach Orks are the prince of all Ork models.

Black Reach is also the only place to find a plastic Deffkopta. Snatch ’em up by the box any chance you get, it’s green gold. In addition, there were also snap-fit fantasy orcs in the 5th edition starter box. Grab those boys too if you can find them for more choppy goodness.

What would you add to the list? Nurglings perhaps? Chime in over on our Facebook Hobby Group.

oh yeah

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