AoS 2.0 Generals Handbook & Tabletop Accessories

By Wesley Floyd | June 5th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

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2018’s Generals Handbook is coming out along with new accessories for the game. We will be taking a look at what the book will contain and what new mechanics are coming to the table for AoS 2.0.

Warhammer Community revealed their 2018 iteration of the Generals Handbook for Age of Sigmar along with some nice gaming accessories.

AoS 2.0 Generals Handbook

generals handbook 2018

For matched play gamers, you’ll be able to diversify your games with 12 more battleplans. Using new rules for rolling up which battleplan you’ll play, you can combine these with the battleplans in your Core Book for a total of 18 (or 20, if you include Malign Sorcery)! You’ll have to stay on your toes and build your lists to tackle all manner of possible situations if you want to thrive. Meanwhile, pitched battle profiles provide points for every single Warhammer Age of Sigmar model in the Mortal Realms.

generals handbook 2018 game

Here is a quick preview of what some of the narrative play missions will look like.

kheradron overlords

Air battles are coming to the tabletop as well! you’ll be able to have 2 battles going on at once. With what goes on in the skies affecting what happens down below.

 A vastly expanded battleplan generator allows you to create new battleplans easily (no more wondering which one to choose), while Aerial Battles bring a whole new dimension to your games. Ever wanted to see how a wing of Prosecutors would fare against a pack of Tzaangor Skyfires and Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch? This is a great way to find out. You can play overhead combat where the battle in the skies can violently affect the battlefield below, or stratospheric battles where aerial units rule the skies and those that cannot fly must perch atop eyries and buildings. A set of unique objectives and twists makes generating new Aerial Battles a breeze.

Lastly, The handbook will have the complete comprehensive rule set for summoning and faction abilities that were in last year’s Generals Handbook. I.e.

  • Darkling Covens
  • Dispossessed
  • Free Peoples
  • Fyreslayers
  • Seraphon
  • Wanderers
  • Brayherds
  • Slaanesh
  • Slaves to Darkness
  • Skaven Pestilens
  • Skaven Skryre
  • Flesh-eater Courts
  • Ironjawz


Tabletop Accessories

aos paint

Two new paints are coming and they’re geared toward NIghthaunt. Make sure you pick these up to give your guys an extra spooky effect.

measruing sitck

Sigmar is getting its very own measuring template for quick and easy moving.

sigmar obj markers

Objective markers were spotted at Warhammer Fest and now their release is right around the corner. These models are beautiful and will add the perfect amount of pizazz to the game. Use these as markers! not poker chips.

New Dice Sets

terrain dice

terrain dice chart

Instead of following normal rules for terrain, you can pick up one of these new dice and roll it to see what effect the terrain has. In the realms of Sigmar, there are spirits and arcane powers possessing and influencing inanimate objects. The terrain is one of them! There could be a big benefit by standing your guys on a hill. Or it could just do D3 mortal wounds.

dice wound tracker

Wound tracking dice are coming out (left) and new dice to place next to your models to show if they charged, attacked, fell back, etc. This is a good way of keeping the game as neat as possible.

New Units

aos new models stormcast

If Soul Wars has you hungry for even MORE of the new Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunt models – well, rest assured, there’s plenty more cool stuff on the way. On the release weekend, meanwhile, you’ll be able to grab a range of push fit kits to bolster your forces from Soul Wars. If you’re a fan of the Sacrosanct Chamber, you’ll be able to reinforce your army with some Sequitors and Castigators (not to mention a loyal Gryph-hound!)…

aos new models nighthaunt

…while Nighthaunt players can add a Deathbeat Drummer to their Glaivewraith Stalkers, or add the shrieking Myrmourn Banshees to their armies – diabolical wizard-hunters with the power to feast on magical energy.

Today is an exciting day for the Age of Sigmar community. We’ve got a lot of information pushed out there and it’s like drinking from a water hose. What do you think of the new terrain mechanic?

Let us know in the comments over on our Facebook Hobby Group.

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