New FW Last Chance to Buy & Mechanicus Rules

space marine heavy bolter

Going, going, gone! New Forge Worlds Last Chance to Buy items are here! Plus they also previewed new rules for some of their Adeptus Mechanicus minis as well!

Forge Worlds’ Last Chance to Buy list has been updated and it’s full of more Space Marine goodness, that you may want to snag for your Space Marines before they are no longer available.

Power Armor Pile Up: Last Chance to Buy

FW last chance to buy 6-15-2018

FW last chance to buy 1 6-15-18

FW last chance to buy 2 6-15-18

Looks like another spring cleaning of Space Marine gear is hitting the site. From Iron Hands to Blood Angels, they’ve got something for almost every Space Marine chapter out there. There’s also a lot on the list for Red Scorpions. Now may be the time to grab them!

Forge World Characters


Valthex is an auto-include for an Astral Claws army. He can buff your army’s bolt guns to hit harder.

commander culln

Well if it isn’t Culln outside of his Leviathan! If you need a leader for the Red Scorpions and don’t want to fit 400 points of his Dreadnoughty goodness into your list, get him in Terminator armor.

Warhammer Community also just released new Forge World Adeptus  Mechanicus rules.

Adeptus Mechanicus Shenanigus

FW ad mech

Recently, we’ve had loads of requests from fans on the Forge World page for rules for the Termite Assault Drill and the Skitarii Titan Guard in Warhammer 40,000. As promised, your feedback has been shared with the Forge World team, and they’ve been hard at work on a set of datasheets designed to add these units to your armies

Terrax-Pattern Assault Drill

FW assault drill pic

FW assault drill

A T8 transport that can pop 12 guys out of the ground? Sounds like we’ll be seeing this a lot in-game.

Secutarii Hoplites

FW secutarii hoplites pic

FW secutarii hoplites

That Mag-Inverter shield can be a mortal wound engine if you find yourself in combat with these guys. Even though they are T3, a 4++ save can make a unit stick around for a while. Granted, the Ad mech doesn’t really like close combat, this unit will be a nasty screening squad for your gun line.

Secutarii Peltasts

fw secutarii peltasts pic

FW secutarii peltasts

First of all, Peltasts can be a nasty 20-man blob squad for only 180 points. How about taking line-of-sight ignoring weapons with D3 shots too? They have the ability to shred lightly-armored targets like Orks.

What do you think about the Forge World Ad Mech rules? Which last chancers will you be picking up for your army? Let us know in the comments on our Facebook Hobby Group.

codex orks space wolves

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