Red Dragon Inn: A Card Game For After the RPG!

By Christopher Guyton | October 22nd, 2018 | Categories: Board Game Reviews, Board Games, Product Review

red dragon inn

Now that the adventure is over, it’s time to relax at the Red Dragon Inn. This is the card game for after the RPG that lets you play our the after-hours of all those dungeon crawls.

In Red Dragon Inn, you and your friends are a group of classic RPG fantasy adventurers. You’ve defeated the dungeon, killed the monsters, and looted all the shiny treasure.

red dragon inn box

Red Dragon Inn is a player elimination style card game recommended for 2-4 players which plays in around 45 minutes and that time varies the more players you add. Designed by Cliff Bohm, Jeff Morrow, and Sam Waller and featuring stellar art by Rose Besch, Beth Trott, and Erin Wong and published by Slugfest Games.  red dragon innYou and your adventuring party will spend the night drinking, gambling, and roughhousing. The last person standing after a night of drinking and clever enough to hold onto his Gold Coins wins the game.

Red Dragon Inn is a great gateway game as the play mechanics are fairly simple. It’s just a matter of reading the cards and following the turn order. Players start by choosing a character out of the nearly 40 that are available. Each base box has four characters and there are a multitude of ally packs. There are also more characters on the way with no end in sight so the character roster is ever expanding.

red dragon inn

Each player draws a hand of 7 from their character deck and is given a facedown drink card into their drink me pile. In turn, players discard any cards they don’t want and draw back up to seven. They may then play any one action as well as all the anytime cards they wish. Anytime cards may also be played on other players’ turns.

Players also have sometimes cards which are response cards to things other players do. Then the player will order a drink for any player placing the new drink on their drink pile. The last thing a player will do is drink the top card from their drink pile. Play continues until only one player is left standing. Players are eliminated when their stamina marker meets or passes their alcohol content marker. Another way to lose the game is to run out of gold by gambling or other players stealing your money from various cards.

red dragon inn

Despite the player elimination aspect of Red Dragon Inn, the game is very lighthearted and humorous. The action cards feature hilarious flavor text and artwork which adds to the theme and fun gameplay.

I’ve the exciting opportunity to demo Red Dragon Inn officially for Slugfest Games as a member of the Slugcrew demo team. I feel by teaching this game I’ve introduced this fun game to so many new players some who are new to the gaming hobby. I have demoed at many conventions and international tabletop days.

This year I’ll be joining Slugfest at Origins game fair in Columbus Ohio and Gencon in Indianapolis Indiana. So, if you happen to be heading to one of those gaming conventions, come find me at the Slugfest games booth and I’ll be happy to teach you this exciting and fun game.

red dragon inn

Red Dragon Inn is the perfect game for your groups if you like lightweight quick card games. No matter your gaming groups size more often than not you can accommodate any amount of players.

Will you be playing this game? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to get yours for less from Miniature Market today!

board game wrapper

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