Your Very Own Chaos Space Marine Generator

By Jack Stover | July 18th, 2018 | Categories: jstove, Warhammer 40k News

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Jstove’s roll-your-own Chaos Warband generator. Roll a dice to see what kind of backstory your Legion will bring to the next big 40k event.

Jstove is back with another way to have fun with fluff. This time for Chaos Space Marines!

Your Very Own Chaos Space Marine Generator

Roll D3 for your Warband Origin

  1. Splinter of an original traitor legion
  2. Whole 41st Millenium era space marine chapter gone rogue
  3. Motley of traitors from different chapters unified under the banner of a single warlord.

Roll D3 for your Warband’s Hideout


  1. The Maelstrom
  2. The Eye of Terror
  3. Cicatrix Maledictum

Roll D6 for Chaos Allegiance


  1. Khorne. If your Warband is a splinter of an original traitor legion, your parent legion is World Eaters.
  2. Tzeentch. If your Warband is a splinter of an original traitor legion, your parent legion is 1K Sons.
  3. Nurgle. If your Warband is a splinter of an original traitor legion, your parent legion is Death Guard.
  4. Slaanesh. If your Warband is a splinter of an original traitor legion, your parent legion is Emperor’s Children.
  5. No Gods, No managers– Your Warband doesn’t worship the gods. If your Warband is a splinter of an original traitor legion, your parent legion is Night Lords, Alpha Legion, or Iron Warriors.
  6. Chaos Undivided, or mixed allegiance on a unit-by-unit basis. If your Warband is a splinter of an original traitor legion, your parent legion is Word Bearers.

Roll D6 for Warp Territory

  1. Hell planet. Your Warband’s base of operations is a demonic fortress on a hell world dedicated to your patron god. Your Warband’s makeup includes many squads of your god’s cult marine unit. If you are undivided or do not worship Chaos, your Warband instead makes use of many units of cultists and slaves.
  2. Voidborn. Your Warband is fleet based, and ferries other traitors and pirates through the Immaterium, trading their services for slaves and raw materials.
  3. Demonic Infestation. Your Warband has been touched by the warp and demonic entities intrude into their bodies. If your Warband worships chaos, your Warband includes many squads of possessed. If your Warband does not worship chaos, it is instead infected with the obliterator virus. Re-roll if you are a 1K Sons splinter.
  4. Coliseum World. Your Warband is champions of a war planet where traitors of all stripes come to prove their worthiness to the gods through ritual combat, but for every champion on the path to glory, there are a hundred would-be’s and has-beens that have fallen to the fickle nature of the gods. Your Warband regularly rounds up these former champions, now chaos spawns, and herds them into battle in front of them.
  5. Demonforge. Your Warband is associated with the Dark Mechanicus and are custodians of a hellforge planet. Your Warband has access to many demon machines like defilers, forge/Maulerfiends, decimators, and hellforged legion armor and dreadnoughts.
  6. Blasted Planet. Your Warband lays claim to a world that was recently enslaved and pulled into the warp, it’s population enslaved and it’s cities blasted to rubble. Your Warband patrols the ruins for slaves with many units of speedy hunters, running down its victims with bikes, raptors, and warp talons.

Roll D3 for LeadershipChaos Space Marine Soul Hunter Talos Hor Wal

1- Demon Prince. The Warband is the personal guard of a mighty demon prince, who is either the warp patron of the Warband or is its former lord ascended to godhood. Re-roll if your Warband does not worship chaos.

2- Will of Iron. the Warband is led by a brutal or charismatic Chaos Lord who has welded it together through his force of will.

3- Specialist The Warband’s leadership is determined by its territorial needs:

  •  Mono-god hell planet: your warlord is a chaos lord or demon prince. If the Warband is undivided or agnostic, it may alternatively be a Warpsmith or sorcerer.
  •  Voidborn: the warlord will be a demon prince or sorcerer, who guides his fleet through the warp using demonic will or sorcery.
  •  Subject to demonic infestation: the warlord will be a dark apostle or demon prince. If the Warband has the obliterator virus, the warlord is a Warpsmith.
  • Lives on a Coliseum world: the warlord is a mighty demon prince or chaos lord that oversees the gladiatorial games.
  • The planet is a demon forge, the warlord is a Warpsmith.
  • Blasted planet: the warlord is a winged demon prince or chaos lord with a jump pack.
  • The Warband is a Word Bearers splinter, the warlord may instead be a Dark Apostle.

Roll a D3 for Recruitment

1. Deal with the Devil. In exchange for some dark favor, the Warband receives gene-stock from Fabius Bile.
2. Bounty of the Slain- The Warband extracts gene-seed from loyalists (or other warbands they fight within the warp) that they slay.
3. Raiders- The Warband raids Ad Mech Biologus laboratories and Space Marine chapter vaults to steal massive quantities of gene-stock.

  • If the Warband is a 1k Sons splinter, they do not roll on this table. Instead, they just sweep up dust and pour it back into a suit of power armor.
  • If the Warband is a Word Bearers splinter, they do not roll on this table. Their legion is still actively organized and logistically supported.

Let us know what you rolled in the comments over on our Facebook Hobby Group. We look forward to hearing what you got!

oh yeah

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About the Author: Jack Stover