Kill Team: Final Faction Previews & Squad Tactics

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Kill team faction previews are beginning to come to a close with most forces being revealed. Come take a look at everything we’ve seen so far.

Warhammer Community hasn’t been wasting any time on revealing the factions for Kill Team. We’ll be looking at every single one they’ve put out today to give you a better idea of how they’ll play.

Kill Team: Final Faction Previews & Squad Tactics

Skitarii Adeptus Mechanicus Wal Hor Warhammer 40k Kill Team Rules LATEST

Ad Mech Kill Teams are keeping with the rest of the Mechanicum; being extremely good at shooting with high-tech boomsticks. They’ll also get to use Blessings of the Omnissiah in-game. They can either pick or roll on a table to get a bonus to the team for a turn. Players can also take Rangers, Vanguard, Ruststalkers, and Infiltrators in their Kill Team.

ad mech strat KT

scryer skull strat KT

Looking at their stratagems, they can get even better at shooting and scan their terrain to make sure they don’t snag any tripwires. Those are bad for business.

Space Marines

Primaris Space Marines

Right off the bat, one very cool thing about the Space Marine Kill Team is that you have the option to take Scouts and Tactical Marines with Primaris Marines. That’s the first time we’ve seen any kind of affiliation between Primaris and non-Primaris models. Kit your squad out with Scouts, Tacticals, Reivers, and Intercessors.

KT honor the chapter

Instead of the whole squad fighting like in 40k, it’s just one model. But hey, just kit one guy out to be a beatstick in combat.

KT masterful marksmenship

Masterful Marksmanship is a nice cheap helping hand when you really need to take down a certain model.

Genestealer Cult (GSC)

genestealer cult

If you’re a fan of cunning tricks and ploys, you’ll love the Genestealer Cults – whether closing in on the foe at speed with their Cult Ambush rule or drawing on their various underhanded Tactics.

Sadly, you can’t take a Patriarch as part of your Kill Team. But you do get Neophytes, Acolytes, Hybrid Metamorphs, aberrants, and Genestealers.


We don’t know how good GSC shooting is, but this is definitely helpful. Especially if your opponent is trying to inch up the board and stay behind cover.


This is a cheap little tactic to help get a one-up on your opponent. You may just be able to kill that model trying to get froggy with your Neophyte.


burna boyz

The getting started set for Orks only comes with Burna Boyz but you can give your Kill Team a whole new composition. You’re able to take Boyz, Burna Boys, Lootas, Kommandos, and Gretchin. I know what you’re thinking; why would anyone want to fill up a slot on their Kill Team for a Gretchin. Well, they have a neat little stratagem.


grot shield

You can basically turn one of your Orks into a character form 8th edition. The enemy will have to shoot at the Gretchin instead. It may be kind of pricey for what it does though. We’ll have to see it on the table.

dakka dakka

Because Orks are notoriously….bad at shooting, they gave them a stratagem to shoot again. Plus it’s only one command point. That’s nice if you take an auto-hitting weapon.

Astra Militarum

ig KT

Astra Militarum are getting some love in Kill Team and seem like they’ll be pretty dang strong. You know those orders that your enemy can’t stand in 8th? They’re also in Kill Team. Your Kill Team leader can issue orders to your squad and take normal Guardsmen, Scions, and Special Weapons Gunners.


This seems like the most powerful stratagem yet. Even though it’s only at 1 model and not the whole Kill Team, giving something -1 to hit is brutal. Especially to Orks.

ig kt 2

Issue two commands because one just isn’t enough! If you find yourself in a bind and your Kill Team is knocking on Death’s door, pop the stratagem and give your team some commands to fight harder.


tyranid KT

You won’t be able to bring any big bugs to Kill Team but you will be able to play Hormagaunts, Termagaunts, Warriors, Genestealers, and Lictors.

kt tyranid 1

This is some of the CP farming we’ve all come to know and love in 8th edtiion. Just Lurk, kill something, gain D3 CP, rise and repeat.

KT tyranid 2

This one is very similar to the Astra Militarum “Get Down” stratagem. Tyranid players will be using this a ton if Genestealers still have that T-shirt save.

Dark Eldar

dark eldar

We all know that Dark Eldar love nothing more than going into combat with nothing more than a T-shirt. They have crappy armor saves but are extremely mobile and have access to combat drugs and even the power from pain rules.

You’ll be able to take Wyches and Kabalites together in any combination for Kill Team.

kt dark eldar 1

We mentioned speed earlier, but we weren’t kidding about how fast they are. Shoot and get a free movement out of a unit. You can completely make one model disappear out of LOS and make it that much more annoying for your opponent.

kt dark eldar 2

You just have to hit your target to do a mortal wound. You get 3D6 to roll higher than their leadership which should be easy to do more than half the time. You could outright kill a model with this stratagem assuming you roll hot enough.



We can’t just talk about all different kinds of Xenos races without the Deathwatch dropping in. Deathwatch will be a nasty Imperial thorn in the Xenos players side.

Deathwatch Veterans are the single most customisable unit in kill team – with a single kit, you’ll be able to build anything from heavy-weapons troops and backfield snipers to melee juggernauts. Even their bolters can fire several types of Special Issue Ammunition.

You’ll be able to take Veterans, Reivers, and Intercessors in your Kill Team. You better believe they didn’t forget their Special Issue ammunition at home for this mission.

kt deathwatch 1

one CP to have up to two models reroll ones? That’s some insane value. Since you can use that stratagem even in the shooting phase, why wouldn’t use this every turn?

kt deathwatch 2

Deathwatch are good at what they do and that’s getting results. Take a melee Reiver and throw him at the enemy leader. He may not even need the Decapitation Doctrine stratagem but it’s a good way to get a leg up on the opponents that are a bit harder to take down.


tau army

Tau are still good at shooting and can still Overwatch for each other. That’s brutal considering Kill Team is a lot smaller scale and you’ve only got light infantry units going against others. A good Overwatch can be the turning point of the game for a Tau player.

You’ll have access to Fire Warriors, Breachers, Pathfinders, XV25 Stealth Battlesuits, and Drones for your Kill Team.

kt tau 1

It’s just like the stratagem in 40k. Markerlights seem to be a lot more Valuable in Kill Team, however. Having a lot fewer guns to throw markerlights means this stratagem will help you maximize your results.

kt tau 2

Breachers are a great area denial unit and are fantastic up close and around corners. Their gun gets a lot stronger up close so use them as the middlemen for the rest of your army. If an enemy model tries to get froggy, send him back to where he came from with a plasma shotgun.


Necron Army

Necrons aren’t just great at shooting – they’re also very, very hard to kill. Every time you make an Injury Roll to see if a Necron goes out of action for good, there’s a chance that they’ll be fully restored instead. Nasty!

The Necrons will be able to field Warriors, Immortals, Deathmarks, and Flayed Ones in their Kill Team. Not too sure how comfortable the other Necrons are having a Flayed One on the team.

mindshackle scarabs

Imagine seeing an Immortal pull out a scarab and underhand toss it right onto your buddy’s face…and then proceeding to take cover from your buddy because he’s now shooting at you. That’s what we’ll be seeing when we go against Necrons in Kill Team.

overcharged disentegration

Necrons may have ancient weaponry but their Army-wide AP capability is no joke. Especially in Kill Team when a model can get it’s shots up to AP -3!

Just a side note. Of the stratagems previewed so far, it looks like Necrons have the most expensive ones. Both cost 2 CP but let’s be honest. They’re both really powerful.

Heretic Astartes

Chaos Space Marine

The Chaos Space Marines have access to all manner of sinister powers granted to them by the Dark Gods – from insidious Tactics to Marks of Chaos and Icons that provide deadly in-game benefits.

The Heretic Astartes Kill Team is going to have access to Chaos Marines or Cultists. Double down on Cultists or go more elite and take some special weapons on your Marines.

kt chaos

Give one of your models an unholy blessing and make them better at basically everything. It’s two CP but it lasts until the game ends and you get a really scary model out of it. Just don’t roll a 1.

kt chaos 2

This stratagem is a little hit or miss. Costing two CP already and then needing a 4+ for just one mortal wound sounds like there’s so much that could go wrong for a little reward. We’ll have to see how many CP players get at the start of the game. Maybe Cultists will have a way of massing CPs to spam this stratagem.



In the close-quarters of Kill Team, the Asuryani are lethal, using short-ranged shuriken weapons to cut down foes, or keeping their distance with rangers and heavy weapons platforms.

You’ll be able to field Guardian Defenders, Storm Guardians, Rangers, and Dark Avengers in your Kill Team. Try all the different combos! Will you spam Rangers for longe range firepower or mix and match the different units to have an answer for everyhting.

kt eldar 1

2 CP to show your opponent that you’ve still got Line of Sight on their leader before the game even begins. Not bad considering you can start sniping people from the side and force your opponent to react.

kt eldar 2

We may see an auto-include Dire Avenger Kill Team list pop up. 1 CP to let a model reroll all failed hit rolls is nothing short of solid.

Death Guard

Death Guard Dip Guard

These Nurgle-blessed kill teams are among the most durable in the game, with a single Plague Marine being incredibly tricky to shift – if you’re looking to play a slow and steady game where you win through attrition, these are the guys for you

As the player, you’ll be able to mix and match Poxwalkers and Plague Marines into one disgusting Kill Team.

KT nurgles gift

Turn the enemy into a mindless disease carrier with Nurgle’s Gift. There’s a 50/50 chance it could go off but it’s only one CP so it’s not too shabby.


cloud of flies

If you really need to protect one model holding an objective or cut down on all the focus-fire, Cloud of Flies can help with that. It’s two CP but it’s a pretty nasty ability. (No pun intended)

Death Guard are notoriously annoying to go against on the large-scale tabletop battles of 40k because they DO NOT die. Kill team shouldn’t be any different. Draw the game out and win with attrition with Death Guard.

Kill team is looking to be way more intricate and the use of Stratagems is something completely new to the skirmish game. It seems like every aspect of Warhammer is getting the stratagem treatment.

What are your opinions on Kill Team? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

kill team

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